Thursday, June 30, 2011

Mi Casa Su Casa

We have guests coming for the weekend so tonight I baked something sweet in anticipation of their arrival. 
Looking forward to hosting and having company over. Hope you have something fun, some relaxing, and
something special planned for the weekend. Happy 4th!

Need Some Encouragement?

I rarely post videos, but this one brought me to my knees.

"Praise the Lord. Praise the Lord, O my soul. I will praise the Lord all my life; I will sing praise to my God for as long as I live." Psalm 146 1-2

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Viera Photographics

Our wedding photographers gave us a sneak peak of our pictures on their blog! eeek!

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Welcome to the 20's!

This is Kylie, my SIL. Today she turns 20. 
Kylie was 15 and in 10th grade when I first began dating Josh. I can remember her trying to decide if she should continue playing high school basketball.  =) Because of the time I started hanging around I got to see many of Kylie's life milestones - like graduating from high school, performing each year at Merrie Monarch, getting into USC, and more. She's comfortable to be around and easy to share your secrets with because, like Josh, she'll never tell.

Here she is dancing. Always composed and graceful.
She was one of my bridesmaids in the wedding.
And she so kindly made this gorgeous wedding cake for us. Isn't it grand?
Happy Birthday Sil! Hope you have an incredible year. Can't wait to have you come up, sleep over, and teach
me how to use Bessie! 

Monday, June 27, 2011

"Poems about Mrs. M" by Summer

Today is the first day of summer for many L.A.U.S.D. kids. My mom could not be more excited. At the end of the year she always gets presents from her parents and students. Sometimes really great things (remind me to be that kind of mom) and sometimes really not so great things (no kid of mine will be bringing a mug in the shape of an apple with #1 Teacher written on it. You should join my petition and together we'll start a revolution). 

This year one of her students put together a short book titled, "Poems About Mrs. M." This was the standout in the crowd.

Your eyes sparkle as shiny as gliter.
Your face is as light as the sun.
Your eyes are as green as the mile river.
You smile as wide as a pausum.
When you're inhairish your cheaks are as pink as lipstick.
When you are mad you're burning like fire.
When you're sad your blue as water.
When you feel crazy you're as crazy as a monkey.
You scream as loud as a wich.

By Summer

Hahahahahahahahaha! Oh Summer, as loud as a wich eh? 
I think I would tell my mom that she did a great job teaching periods at the end of sentences. She needs to focus more on defining you're, you are, and your. And lastly, maybe play head's up seven up when it's getting to be too much. :0) Welcome to break!

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Traveling Gyspy's

One flight, a bus ride, and a train ride later we're home. Good night friends.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Nom Nom?

It seems like all I've done this whole weekend is eat. Eat. Eat. Eat. 

Better go running so people don't think I'm preggers. Can you imagine!?

Friday, June 24, 2011

There's No Place Like Home, There's No Place Like Home

Back in LA for a few more days - where traffic is denser, people are ruder, and the air is dirtier. Ah, there's no place like home. =) We had some wedding stuff to check off A's list and our travels took us downtown. We had heard about this awesome bakery/restaurant so we decided to stop in. Bottega Louie. Have you ever been?
The place is beautiful. Reminds me of New York and what I think cafe's in Europe would be like. Plus, it's filled to the brim with mini delectables like these.
But what they are really known for are macaroons. Supposably so good they rival the OG's in Italy. I've actually never had one before. I didn't know what I was missing.
 We tried 4 - Sea Salt Caramel, Espresso, Dark Chocolate Raspberry, and Pistachio. This is the Sea Salt Caramel that was worth every bit of its $1.75 self! Can you see the caramel? YUM!
It's good to be home but I miss Josh. Odd this shift that happens after you put a ring on it. I don't feel right being here without him. Our routine has been disrupted. He's flying in tonight for the weekend and I can't wait. He doesn't know it yet but I threw all caution to the wind, said "what the hey!" and blew our budget to bring him one of these macaroon thingys. =) That's right, I'll drop almost $2.00 on a cookie the size of my thumb for my man. Isn't he lucky?

Thursday, June 23, 2011


Our florists put pictures of our wedding on their website! I know it's not a big deal but a delight after a tough day.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Cuisinart Fanatics

We are acting like two kids in a candy store with these appliances! Sheesh. =) 

The first one is mine. Sad looking eh? 
 Much better? It's because this one is Josh's. =)

A Change of Pace

My sweet friends, it is late and once again I cannot sleep. I crawled out of bed hoping to not disturb the hubby.

There has been a dramatic shift in pace. Before the wedding everything was busy. The to-do list a mile long, people's opinions to worry about, this to buy, that to email, these checks to write, those people to see, and that shopping to be done. It was never ending from the moment you wake up to the moment you fall asleep. My insecurities bubbled to the surface and played with my emotions. Life was complicated enough that it wore me out. Overwhelming enough that two months before the wedding I shutdown for the first time in my life. It didn't last for long but the frenzy continued.

Now that we are settled life is much simpler. I wonder if it would be simple if we lived at home where everything and everyone that we love still is? I assume not. Here, it is just us. And for the time being it has been a welcomed change of pace. I know we will soon need friends and a church family, I'll need to find a job, we'll probably join a bible study and a yoga class or something. All in good time. But for now I embrace the simplicity. The frenzied rush to finish wedding preparations, say good-bye to family, friends, church, work, and then move. It was so much.

Since we began dating, Josh has always liked to do things together. Sometimes that infuriated me. Like when we would head to the market and he wouldn't let me just jump out and grab it real quick. No, we had to park and go in together. I was always in a rush looking for the best way to consolidate the tasks. He plans things so he never has to rush. This allows him to be thorough and to enjoy what he is doing. Since we've married and moved I've adjusted more to his pace than he has to mine. So we do things together. We get up early so we don't have to hurry, we eat, and do devotions. He comes home and hopefully I have something cooking. We eat, clean up, and usually go running. Sometimes I'll join him in the workout room and sit there watching the news as he lifts. We head home and repeat the next day. Sound boring? It is gloriously so. I've learned to appreciate the smaller things. I cherish when he comes home from work. I like listening to him talk about his day. I find joy in putting together a good meal. I laugh while we figure out how to use a new appliance. I love when he just rolls his eyes and laughs at me. The kind of gentle laugh that I know is full of acceptance.

I am intent on not rushing through this time. I do not know how long God has us here. I read this on the News Feed the other day and it stuck with me.

"And so God gently leads us into the desert for the intimate purpose of stripping away the baggage that will be dead weight in the new assignment. He calls us to the desert, where he can add new resources of strength, wisdom, courage, and character. The desert isn't a punishment; it's a gift."

I don't feel like I'm in a desert, more the exact opposite really. But I do see how He's adding new resources of strength, wisdom, courage, and character to us. He's teaching me. Isn't He grand? It took a marriage and a move for me to see what He's been trying to show me! I hope it doesn't take as much for you to allow Him to mold you and bring you into his folds of grace.

I'm sleepy now. Time to sneak back into bed. Good night all. See you soon.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

A Father's Day Tribute to Our Dad's

This is my first Father's Day away from my dad.

Dad and I circa 1982
When we were growing up dad was very hands on. We used to play together all the time and he would cook us the best breakfast. We had so much fun.
When Aimee went to kindergarden, they both cried. He loved being a dad, still does. Whenever I was having a hard time at school dad would sit there silently while I spilled the beans and at the end of my rant he would always say, Trust in the Lord". Every time. Never failed.
This was my dad on our wedding day. Proudly holding a pen that says, "Father of the Bride". My prayer for my dad is that this year he finds greater peace, he dares to try new things, and that he experiences deep lasting joy. I love you dad! 
Guess what? This year I also get to say I have a new dad. 
This is Josh and his dad. See a resemblance?
 He was/is also a great dad - or so Josh says (I wasn't really there for all of it, haha). He has many interests, but I can imagine this one tops most of them - fishing! He loves to fish (as his sons do too). Here he is on one of the many family fishing trips.
Although I had been dating Josh for quite some time, I didn't really know Josh's dad. I mean, I knew him but I didn't know him. Does that make any sense? One night I was sitting in their tv room, just hanging out, and he began to witness to his parents. He wasn't forceful but he was passionate. Making a true plea for them to accept Jesus into their hearts. He talked to them for an hour and a half - I remember because I was shocked. They left saying they would think about it. I will never forget that night. It was intense. The Holy Spirit put a boldness in him. I learned a lot about him that night - sincerity, love, heart, boldness, conviction, emotion. It was amazing. I respect him so much.
A week or so later his parents accepted Christ. 

Here he is with his parents on the day they were baptized at church. I wonder if this would have come to pass if He hadn't been obedient to the Spirit asking him to talk to them. 
Josh and I are blessed with families who love Jesus. On our wedding day Kelvin spoke about getting things we don't deserve. That is so true in many ways. Neither Josh or I deserve to be from such a great lineage - but we are. I hope we are able to continue the tradition that our fathers and our grandfathers have set before us. Happy Father's day, dad's. Above all else, thank you for steering us towards Christ. 

Saturday, June 18, 2011

The Adventures of Lewis and Clark

This morning I woke up and had this wonderful latte waiting for me. Isn't that grand? We had some serious decisions to make while we cooked breakfast. While we're up here we are intent on discovering the Bay. But before any of the travels began we had to decide who would be Lewis and who would be Clark. Can you guess who picked who? 
 After breakfast we decided to head to Monterey. Josh has been wanting to visit the aquarium there for quite some time so we decided to make a day of it. On the drive we stopped at this roadside stand and bought the most tasty Rainier cherries. 
 The aquarium was a delight. So many seemingly dainty things that survive in the most harshest places. This quote was put on one of the walls and I thought it was most fitting: "It tunnels into solid rock and keeps alive the sense of continuing creation and of the relentless drive of life." - Rachel Carson
 Afterwards we headed over to the wharf in search of a good meal.
 The highest rated place on Yelp, the Old Fisherman's Grotto, offered free clam chowder if you mentioned their name. SCORE!
Monterey, check.
BTW Josh picked Clark. He said Lewis is too pansy. Explorers unite!

Friday, June 17, 2011


Tonight Josh and I hosted our first grown up dinner. His grandparents came down to see our new place and hang out with us for the evening. I was nervous after Tuesday's debacle. I woke up early and cleaned an already clean place. Not sure why it made me feel better but it did. Moved this frame a tad to the left and that lamp a tad to the right. If you're calling me crazy in your head, it's not the first time I've heard that label. :p Just call me Monica.

For dinner I decided to do a simple starter salad with cucumbers and tomatoes and then for dinner do Ig's Perfect Roast Chicken. Mostly because A does it a lot and it always turns out delicious. Plus I know everyone likes chicken so it's a safe meat. Since I personally hadn't prepared it before I was a little nervous.  How big should I cut the carrots and onions? What does "coat liberally" actually mean? Aimee ichatted me through it, bless her heart. I made my favorite brown rice to go with (soaked it a few hours and added an extra cup of water to appease Josh). And to round out the meal we had this cake from scratch by Aimee. I had my new best friend Bessie blend me up some icing to top it off. Yum.

I'm a clumsy cat. Every time I'm in the kitchen Josh gets worried that I'll chop off a finger. If he's not with me when I'm cooking, I'm guaranteed to get a few texts asking me to be careful. Tonight I only burned one finger. A- for me!

I think everyone enjoyed the meal. Is it lame to say I did? :) Josh gave me the ultimate compliment - he went back for seconds. Everyone was gracious and complimentary.

Lessons I learned for future hosting gigs:
1. Buy some chairs - We had to move the table to the side of the couch - Josh had to sit on the edge and his grandma had to sit in Josh's desk chair. Whoops. They were quite understanding.
2. Find decaf Keurig pods - When it's late, most people like decaf. I know my parents do. I couldn't find any at our local Safeway. Maybe Costco? But then what would I do with 300 decaf pods?
3. Have rice options - Grandpa likes white. Should have known.
4. Get some serving trays and bowls. We didn't have anything to put the salt and pepper in, the salad, or to cook the chicken in (had to use my baking trays). A bit embarrassing to have to put the milk carton on the table for coffee. :/
5. Don't rush to clean up. Enjoy the guests. Whenever mom hosted a lot of people I would always find my way to the kitchen to help dad clean while Aimee and mom circulated. Big crowds make me introverted so I find comfort at the sink. But when you're the host you can't just hide in the kitchen. I made a conscious effort to be present and I think Josh appreciated that. I hope he did anyway. My bonus for sitting at the table? Josh helping me to clean up.
6. Timing is key.

I wish I had taken some photos for you but I was too caught up in it to remember. Sorry my friends. As an afterthought here was Aimee's yummy chocolate cake (there's Bessie too!) before and after. A nice ending to an equally nice evening.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Our Humble Abode

As promised, pictures of our new home.

Before and After
Our Messy Kitchen (we are up to our ears in appliances)
The Other Angle
It's been fun putting all the puzzle pieces together. I still see a work in progress. There are many things I would like to do. Like get my beautiful chair from West Elm to round out the living room, move the desk into a second bedroom, buy a slammin coffee table, and paint the light brown in the kitchen to white - to name a few. But for now this is just fine. I don't need an accent wall or a nightstand to feel like this is truly a home.

P.S. We LOVE visitors (hint). Aimee said we have a comfy couch to sleep on. Josh makes sure the apartment is always a cool 72 degrees. And I will bake you the most amazing chocolate chip cookies you've ever had to accompany your homemade espresso. Enticing? I hope so. 

Negative Ghostrider the Pattern is Full

I'll admit I was getting a little cocky about the wifey gig. Waking up, preparing lunches, ironing shirts, groceries. You know, the whole bit. Nothing like an epic failure to put you back where you belong.

Doesn't this look delicious? I thought so too. 
Excited to put on an excellent meal for our first dinner + guest. 
 I found an awesome Korean marinade that we put together the night before so it would be good and tasty. Josh came home and we set up our new mini bbq. Threw together some delicious sides...and BAM! Thinking this whole wife bit is so much easier than people make it out to be!
At the table, Aimee took a bite and scrunched her face and said, "Odd, tastes salty". Then Josh tried it and said, "This IS really salty" I nervously hoped it was just their chicken. Maybe they got a salty bird? Then I tried it. To say the chicken was merely salty is a gross understatement. It was more like the chicken had been fed salt its whole life, killed and dredged in the stuff, and then cured in it to finish it off! If you hadn't already guessed, I apparently mistook the salt for the sugar. A whole whopping cup of it. :/  To top it off I cooked tons of extra for Josh's lunch the next day and dinner tomorrow night. Frick!

Good thing I have such an awesome husband. Here he is thinking he's all hilarious telling me that they are OBVIOUSLY different because when you shake the containers they feel different. Obviously JJ, obviously. 
Lucky for me he was ultra cool and forgiving about it. Even though he's going to bed hungry tonight, he's still a happy camper.

Please pray for me. The ULTIMATE guests are coming for dinner on Thursday night - Josh's grandparents! To say my confidence waned is a fair assessment. Oh Lord, please forgive me for my premature pride. I learned my lesson. I definitely DON'T need another one. ESPECIALLY this Thursday! Please Jesus!

I'm not sure God cares too much for my selfish request. Eh, what does it hurt to ask!??

Monday, June 13, 2011

Our First House Guest

Aimee came to visit and help us decorate.
She's crazy, and at times can bring the crazy out of Josh. 
My two favorite people. *Sigh, couldn't be happier. 

Pics of our new digs soon!

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Settling In

Picked up the keys to our new place. Small but nice. 

Can't help but think of everything I'd like to buy to compliment Josh's our furniture.
Like this beauty

Or this simple stunner
And these pretty puppies

My dreams of grandeur need to wait though. First on our "saving for" list is one of these

We used to have Aimee's or Luke's but now that we're up here and they're down there we need something to document life. At some point the Thunderbolt camera just doesn't cut it. :p One day I'll get that chair to round out our living room and the end table to put behind the couch. Until then I'm content to finally be able to unpack and settle in. Here's to beginning our life together.