Tuesday, July 29, 2014

To The Rescue!

Confession - I was dreading this week because everyone is going to camp, and by everyone I mean mostly my mom but also my dad and sister. Whereas I used to not want to be with my parents (like ever, said in my best valley girl voice), I now want to see them everyday. It's not that I can't do it alone, it's just that I'm so much better at the end of the day when I'm not. Like when my mom comes over I get a chance to do the dishes, fold the laundry, get dinner ready, clean the bathroom, make my bed, dust, vacuum, write thank you cards, and sometimes even blog!

But of course, God was looking out. My Mil was able to come two days, my Auntie randomly has this week off so she's stopping by another day, and my brother in law is coming over another. What I once dreaded, I'm now looking forward to. :) Thankful for family!

Psst, here you go - a random photo of my Fil with the babes that has nothing to do with this post but was just too darn cute to not share with you. :p Hope your week is flying by!

Monday, July 28, 2014

A Good Tude

What a whirlwind.

I have lots to catch you up on but (there's always a but now isn't there?) it'll have to wait. Josh and I are on our third day without central air and we are baking! And while this week it was the air conditioner, last week it was the hot water, and the week before that it was construction. All things that, before a baby, were minor inconveniences but with a baby seem much more of a big deal.

And even though nap time is all messed up and it's too hot, she still manages to be a contented baby, dolling out these smiles all day long.

Funny how a little baby can teach you a lot about having a good attitude.

Happy good 'tude Monday!

Thursday, July 24, 2014

The Time Has Come // Toning Down The Crazy

I've been trying to make an effort to tone down the crazy. But that is easier said than done.

What do you mean by crazy, you ask?

Well, like when the baby falls asleep on the way home from the grocery store Sunday morning, so instead of stopping like you used to do, you leave the car running, frantically switch seats with your husband, while simultaneously throwing the gear into drive while he grabs all the grocery bags. Then you proceed to drive around the loop in your parking lot 30x while your husband finishes putting those groceries away.


When there's a minor earthquake but since it's the first one with the baby you and your husband stand under a doorway for 10 minutes surrounding her, just in case. And then once you're comfortable that there are no aftershocks, go check to make sure your emergency water supply is still good, and safe and sound where you thought it was.

or ...

When you realize it is 5pm and you still haven't brushed your teeth or washed your face because you just feel THAT guilty about putting her down.

or ...

When you are still sitting in the back seat three months later.

I swear I used to be sane. Like I would never in my right mind have done this with other people's kids but with mine I have lost all objectivity. I don't even recognize myself anymore! So I was telling Josh the other day that the time has come to tone down the crazy.

The picture I sent to Aimee, which she IMMEDIATELY understood and sent me back
dancing ladies and high five emojis. 
Now there are some things that I won't give in on, despite the peer pressure from others (the head pressurer being my own mother for goodness sakes) but for the most part I'm working on toning it down.

But just know that it's a gradual process. So if you see me mixing a formula bottle with new bottled water, and then refusing to use that bottled water for her formula again because it's been opened, I DON'T WANT TO HEAR IT.

GO Thursday!

Monday, July 21, 2014

It's that time of the month so I'm craving anything carby, greasy, and generally terrible for you. Oh, shredded chicken tacos from Pacos! Gobs of cheese! 4x4 from In-N-Out with a chocolate shake!

My sister and I decided it is quite cruel that women still have their periods after having a baby. Ridiculous. I would also included losing your hair and having to lose weight in that category.  -_- Why God, why!

In other, less borderline TMI news, my little dumpling had a big week. She learned how to turn over in her crib, began grabbing toys and putting them in her mouth, and the best of all, she giggled! Eeek! It was short but oh so glorious. And I thanked her profusely for waiting till both her dad and I were present. Perfection.

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

4 Months

My sun bathing beauty is 4 months today. She is a little thing and despite our best efforts to thicken her up with all kinds of milk, she is taking us in the opposite direction and absolutely refusing anything but the boob. And although we worry about her wiry frame, she seems to be developing fine and appears happy and healthy. This past month she took her first road trip, slept over at someone else's house, stayed in a hotel room, and went swimming for the first time. =)

Little by little we are beginning to see glimpses of her personality. She is quiet in a big room, content to just look around and take it all in. But if you talk with her one-on-one she will coo away back at ya. She isn't one to display extreme emotion, neither ever super excited nor extremely upset and her cry is a whimper that slowly builds but never reaching a feverish pitch.

We are so thankful for this little bundle of love and are constantly praying that the Lord would fortify her with his Spirit and blanket her with His protection as she navigates this big big world.

Friday, July 11, 2014

Friday Favorites

People have been saying that Noe looks like my dad. I have not seen the resemblence but the other day I looked at a picture we had just taken of dad and I was like, TWINS! Here's my little namesake and her big bro all matchy matchy. Love them.

/ / Web Favorites / /

I'll take it. 

People are so gosh darn creative.

I need a backyard.

It's ridiculous that I call myself an Angeleno and have never been here. Bucket list.

"Childhood vaccines are safe. Seriously."

Swimmers bodies, I think I'm getting hot flashes. :p

4,8,10,P.S.  Mom's unite.

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

These Days

Monday night we put the baby to bed and then I met up with Melissa and Aimee for dinner. It was odd walking out of the house with only my phone, drivers license, and credit card. I felt naked and like I was forgetting a million things. Diaper bag? burp clothes? the baby?

Once in the car I turned on the radio to hear what kids these days are listening to and then turned it up to shamelessly belt out the latest song from Pink. I was an imposter in my own skin; a 22 post-college kid meeting up with friends for boba after my internship.

Then while at dinner I was amazed at all the people who were out. Doesn't everyone have kids? I was genuinely perplexed at the sheer amount of people who were hanging out at night on a Monday. I decided that maybe the population in the U.S. is decreasing since so many folks obviously don't have kids. I mean, I haven't been that oblivious have I? The world after 8pm amazes me.


Monday, July 7, 2014

Travelogue: Our First Mini Vaca

Disclaimer: No driving occurred during the making of this photo.


Josh and I just returned from our first mini vaca with the baby. We took a road trip up to our old haunt for a family reunion/surprise bday for Josh's grandpa. 

We went a few days early and spent some time in St. Helena, Yountville, and Napa. I know that doesn't seem like a good place to visit when you have an infant, but believe it or not there is plenty to do besides visit wineries! 

Instead we walked the little towns, yelped tasty bakeries, and ate at kid friendly places. Being with a baby meant early nights, take out dinners, and early mornings but it was pure heaven. I was truly pampered. I ate sashimi, took a long leisurely bath ( first one since being pregnant!), even got in a few naps! It was wonderful to be out of the house and with Josh, not scurrying to get to bed or running errands, or folding that pile, and cleaning that floor. No, just a few days of just enjoying the outdoors with my babe and baby. 


I titled this work of art, "Small Baby, Big Bed"

On top of that, we had a wonderful time with family. During the family reunion we celebrated Josh's grandpa's bday and everyone shared their thoughts. It was really special. 

The icing on the cake to a great week.