Friday, June 23, 2017

Josh and I are in the thick of some important decision making and truth is, we are both struggling under the weight of it - the path we are setting for our family, the financial burdens, the kids futures, the frustrating process. It is often times overwhelming.

When I am stressed I shut down and when Josh is stressed he obsessives over the problem, analyzing again and again. Polar opposites, lol. Both end with sleepless nights. Josh is weary. I am weary.

It is times like these that I wish I had a deeper faith. Peace in the middle of complication. But I am also aware that it is in these moments that I can be sanctified. The choice to choose the way of the Holy Spirit, which is pure and fearless, confidant and humble, or the way of the world which relies only on our broken selves to solve all the problems. A way that surely leads to anxiousness and fear.

As of late, Emerson has been choosing to read the same devotion every night. It's somewhat comical because it's such a deep topic for someone who is only 3.

Maybe God had her chose this devotion so that Josh and I would read it over and over, every day.

It is easy for me to forget that the situation at hand is bigger than the situation at hand. "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the dark world, against spiritual wickedness in high places." Eph. 6:12

Praying that Josh and I will not be chained to the sin of anxiousness and fear today. And also friends, that you won't be either. 

Monday, June 19, 2017

I didn't Instagram about Josh on Father's Day because THERE IS SO MUCH TO SAY. But this is my current iPhone background. My loves.

Also, it is 100 degrees and I am on my period. -_- Happy Monday!

Friday, June 9, 2017

So I think I lost a few pounds but have plateaued even though I'm continuing the diet. I fear I may have to actually, GASP, start exercising to get to the next level. Say it isn't so!

Therefore I may or may not settle for this current weight and subsequent diet torture. How's that for motivation? lol. But all my energy is taken by this never-ending ball of energy.

Speaking of motivation, I need a new binge-worthy Netflix show. Any suggestions? We just finished Shameless and, while I won't be taking any parenting wisdom from that show, I will be leaving a piece of my celebrity crush heart with Lip. What is it with the bad boy?!

Cheers to the weekend pals.

Thursday, June 1, 2017

I sent this picture to Josh. His two greatest joy's and also his two greatest stressors. lol.