Thursday, May 31, 2018

28429 - The Toddler Became A Girl

I am still processing our time in Valencia. Three years isn't a significant amount of time unless you're a little one - in which case many visible changes happen in a short period of time. E was no exception. The terrible two's, Potty training, starting school, aalll the classes, crib to big bed, back facing to forward facing. The toddler became a little girl.

Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Our New Normal

We are temporarily at my mom and dad's house for a few weeks. Then a family from church generously offered to let us stay at their home while they are away for the summer so we'll be there for three months. Then back to dad and moms until the house is done.

Back in the 'ole bedroom! -_-
Maybe our Christmas card photo?

I am not good with chaos and mess. It makes me feel stressed internally and anxious.

But God is bigger than all the things I am not good at so I'm leaning on him to not 'get me through' but instead make this a rich time. Keeping my heart and eyes open for ways I can love on those around me.

A Final Goodbye

Last Saturday we officially moved out of our the house. PHEW.

I just need to acknowledge Luke, Daniel, and Kylie because without them Josh and I would still be moving. Halfway through I was like, 'where is my side of the family and why are they not representing?!' lol

I was with Kylie when I closed the front door for the last time and I couldn't stop the tears from welling up in my eyes. When Josh saw me he alarmingly asked what was wrong. Isn't this what you wanted, he said. Yes, I reassured him. But can a girl have a moment? SUCH A DUDE. So I called my sister instead and balled my eyes out.

Goodbye 28429. Thanks for all the memories.

Also someone tell the kids WE ARE BEAT so please stop being kids for a sec. lol

Tuesday, May 22, 2018

28429 - The Unexpected Blessing

Last Thursday was my mom's last time coming out to our house. And even though I saw her two days later, I balled my eyes out when she drove off. You often don't know what unexpected blessings will come from a season, and that is true of my relationship with my mom and our time in this house.

Her and I have not always seen eye to eye - and looking back it was probably partly because we are so similar. We are both emotional. We can both be high strung. There were many instances of ugly names being flung at each other, lots of crying, and years of built up resentment. And while we moved past some of those things just by growing up, there was never a real restoration until I moved out to Santa Clarita. For the whole time we lived out here, she came to see me each week. And each week she came out the resentment I held was being chipped away without me even knowing it. I cannot tell you what it meant to be to be pursued by her. to be served by her. to be selflessly loved on by her.

I began to see her as an imperfect child of God. And once God softened my heart and took away the resentment, I began to truly love her and admire her, and to see her for who she really is.

Resentment to Admiration
Distrust to Trust
Embarrassment to Pride
Anger to Love

This is the goodness of God. Whatever your situation, God is stronger and more powerful. He can make all things new.

Maybe not the best photos but the ones closest to my heart. 

Thank you, Jesus.

28429 - Landon and all the first things

The little guy was born and changed our calm controlled little world into a chaotic, full, happy, and complete family. He did all the first things here - nursed, slept, began solids, sat up, crawled, walked, ran, laughed, talked, and had every first holiday. Memories on memories.