Tuesday, March 29, 2011

A Pre-Sunday Spectacular

This month I'm on praise team but I wasn't able to make it this weekend. I asked one of my teammates, Barb, how Sunday had gone and she sent this email. I had to share.

Well, we were put to the test, but God is good, and we somehow were able to pull it all together by 8:45.

A quick blow-by-blow  review....

We had planned to meet at 7:30, but I, for the first time in my life, overslept, so the 3 of us scrambled to get ready while Timo, Perry, and Andrew were waiting out front in the rain.
7:45: We arrive, but no sound person is there and we don't have a key
7:48: We just start to practice after calling your mom to bring your dad's key (luckily she was running late).
8:00, Carol arrives, but does not have a key either.
8:05: Your mom calls back and can't find the key anywhere.
8:08: Alan is camping, Amy is in Washington, Randy is in Israel, so Carol calls Jason to see if he can bring a key.
8:10, Your mom arrives and we run through the set with her
8:12: Timo's string breaks - he and Andrew make calls to see if anyone has extra strings.
8:15 - we call Warren to see if he is coming - Audrey confirms he is on the way.
8:20 - Lauren arrives, but we can't get to the keyboard, so she just hangs out.
8:25: Ken arrives and has a key - HURRAY!
8:26: Everyone scrambles to get equipment up and working
8:27: Jason arrives with a 2nd key
8:30: Timo can't find any extra strings, so packs up the guitar and helps setup
8:35: Warren arrives - turns out he got in the car and drove to Serena's school thinking it was a regular school morning. (You must be laughing by now....) 
8:37: We pray, realizing at this point that prayer is more important than getting through the set.
8:40: We run through the 2 songs Warren had never sang before, and end right when David walks in to do the announcements. PRAISE GOD!!!  = ]
8:46: I panic, realizing that I forgot to practice the hymn, and of course it is one I have never even heard of before. Your mom grimaces when she sees the title, but tells me not to worry, I'm sure I'll recognize it once I start playing. (you must be rolling on the floor by now.....)  It was the worse song ever. Who can sing a high G? We were all dieing....

The rest of the service was INCREDIBLE - love pastor Hector and all the praise team volunteers that just hung in there and did their best!

You couldn't make this stuff up! I felt so terrible I called Barb immediately to make sure she was ok. You know what? She was fine. Was even able to laugh about it. I had even talked to mom earlier and all she said about Sunday's worship was that the Lord was working and it was great. I love that because in the end it's about what the Lord is able to do through the chaos. These people are so money.
I will miss them greatly when I move.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

The 2 Month Mark

Aimee announced today that we officially have hit the, "2 month mark". I squeezed my eyes tight and took 3 deep breaths.
Who am I kidding, it was more like 20. Would have been more if I hadn't just come from yoga. 

So                           much                              to                                   do.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Do the Math

Saw this on a blog. Think we might do something like this for the seating chart as a nod to Josh. 
My own would have to be relatively easy. 1+1? :p What do you think?


Changing my shoes. I know you're wondering why since I loved the old ones. 3 reasons, 1. they are about an inch shorter so I'm not eye to eye with Josh. 2. they are much more comfortable, and 3. still shiny. 

Shiny, Shiny, Shiny. 
Also, changed back to the grey suits for the groomsmen. 
I know, my own indecision is annoying myself too.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011


My eyes cannot stop watching. My heart cannot stop aching. 

Iwate Prefecture 3.16.2011

""Though the mountains be shaken, and the hills be removed, yet my unfailing love for you will not be shaken nor my covenant of peace be removed." says the Lord, who has compassion on you." Isaiah 54:10

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Grey Schmay

Initially I was thinking a light grey for the girls outfits. Isn't this dress from J.Crew pretty? 

$225.00 pretty? Not sure. 
When we went to check 'em out we discovered the same dress in a rose-ish color was 
on sale for a whopping $55.00! 

Naturally we changed our colors. =)

Josh and I have been looking for a light grey suit for months now. At first we thought it just wasn't the season yet but we've realized that the fashion gods have deemed light grey not a cool color this year. Half out of desperation half out of piqued interest Josh tried on this beautiful dusty blue suit. It fit so well and he looked so great in the color. So once again we've changed our colors. 

 With these shoes. He said they were really comfortable. Since when did Nike Air partner with Cole Haan? Excellent idea!
Haphazardly it's all coming together. I hope it all looks together when it's together. 
If it does, it does. If it doesn't...eh, not going to worry about it too much. I'm marrying Josh.  =)