Saturday, November 26, 2016


Just in case you missed all the overgramming, here are some more pics from the kids first trip to Disneyland. It was the best trip. I highly recommend going even if you have little littles.

his/her parade face

These guys are the reason the kids had such a wonderful time. And the memories. Memories forever.

Video courtesy of my brother in law, Luke Uyeda.

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

To Be Determined

Taking pictures for our Christmas cards has proven to be more difficult that initially assumed. 

Sunday, November 13, 2016

The Awesome Parent Ladder

11 months ago I was climbing the Awesome Parent ladder when it came to Emerson's learning. She knew her ABC's, upper and lower,  and could identify numbers 1-10. She could write the letter E and we were inching towards her recognizing her name. I was that proud mom who sent all the videos to her grandparents and would text Josh with each new thing each day.

Yea, that all came to a grinding halt when Landon was born. In fact, she has basically played by herself for the last ten months. lol JUST KIDDING! ... sort of. 😂  Just the other day I happened to point out some of the alphabet and she couldn't remember most of them. I did a mental head smack for letting all that hard work go to waste. Sorry little girl, mama got a little sidetracked. 😬 But I've come to terms with it. So she might not be the smartest cookie going into school. Is that the worst thing?

The more kids I have, the more relaxed (and yet uptight) I become.  Weird.