Tuesday, December 27, 2011


It has been nonstop since we set foot in the great big city of L.A. A grand whirlwind of parties, dinners, baking, shopping, laughing, fighting for parking, games, sleeping late and waking up even later.

This Christmas was unexpectedly humbling with much received and little given.

I often wonder how other people celebrate Christmas and what traditions they keep. In the past I had two favorite traditions. The first was Christmas Eve candlelight service. Did I mention it was candlelight? There's something about the visual representation of one lit candle in a dark room, spreading throughout the sanctuary and eventually bringing the room to a soft glow. Each year I could just feel the Holy Spirit spreading with each passed light. This year was different because our church rented a community center and had a huge service on Christmas Eve. It was just as well, since I actually didn't make it. I have a new tradition now that I'm a Mrs. =) An annual family Christmas Eve party with Josh's side. It is the only time of year this side gets together and it is an honor for me to participate. I was a bit nervous going but was warmly welcomed by my new extended family. Isn't God gracious and good?

My second favorite tradition was waking up Christmas morning at mom's. The four of us would sleepily gather in the living room and separate the presents. Then, before we'd open a single gift, dad would bring out his bible and read the Christmas story from beginning to end. Then we would pray together before digging in. This momentary pause in the hectic season always touched the core of my soul. Maybe it's because every other moment is go-go-go. Maybe it's because I am blessed with a father who thinks it's important to honor Jesus. I can't pinpoint the exact reason but I'll tell you that I always close my eyes and soak it in because the moment is gone so quickly. This year it was slightly different since we had church Sunday morning. And although it wasn't quite the same as years past, the fact that Josh and Blane joined us for the first time made it my favorite moment of the season.

Here's a look at Christmas around the world. Descriptions and more found here.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

64 or 46?

Tomorrow is my mom's bday. She is turning 64. I think it's okay to say that. :) This year she has been an abundance of support in every way. I am so thankful for her. Aimee and I took her to tea at Clementine's to celebrate. It's a new day with the three of us as I have found that our conversations have shifted to married things.

Mom, if you ever get around to reading this, since I know you usually don't... You are the most amazing mom. I cannot put into words my appreciation for all you are and the amount of respect I have for how you chose to live your life. I hope this year brings you a deeper, more intimate relationship with Jesus - and that new kitchen you've always wanted. :p

I love you.

Monday, December 19, 2011

Worth it's Weight in Gold

Sorry I've been spotty. Josh and I drove back from LA on Sunday. Yesterday we unpacked. Last night we repacked. And today we say adios to San Jose, again.

The car is wearing down and I think we are too. Josh hasn't been feeling 100%, I'm more... emotional (good word choice J) than normal. We haven't had a chance to workout regularly and both of us are feeling ... meaty (not sure if that was a good word choice, ha). 

But after I was done complaining to Josh last night, I sighed out my last negative thought and resolutely raised my chin into the air. See, I'll tell you what I told him. The paint on the side of the car, weird oil levels, a need for new tires, Friday night and Sunday afternoon drives up and down the five each week, no date nights, fast food, bad smells, tired Mondays, living out of suitcases, and spending hours talking about phones and listening to the weekly Peristyle (sorry honey). It's all worth it. For the Saturdays spent with family, celebrating with friends, partaking in Christmas traditions, and maybe just being there to play poker and remind the ones most important to us that they are important to us. It's all worth it. YOU are worth it.

Even though I'm packing up our Christmas decorations here, I know that I'm coming down to a Christmas that is only just beginning. See ya'll in a few days. It's Christmas!!

Friday, December 16, 2011

More Wedding Photos

Josh and I are headed to LA tonight. Surprised? :) But before we go, here are a handful of my favorite pictures from the wedding.

Our cousins who made the trek from Louisiana. 

My mom looked stunning. See a resemblance?
 Right before she walked down the aisle. Calm as a cucumber.

 One of my favorites. These two are Blane's parents and without them this wedding would not have been possible. 
I love the joy on their faces!
 While Blane was doing this...
 The boys in the youth group were doing this. :p
Determined to get the job done right. :)

The couple during the waxing story of my speech. 
 I love this picture. See the server? She took care of Blane and Aimee all night. Checking on them, reheating their soup, and making sure Blane's plate had french fries on it. Because of her the reception went that much smoother. 
 Joy, a deep deep joy.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Hand Delivery

The Bestie and I worked on a little surprise for the bday girl over the weekend. 
Delivered to her doorstep on her bday by good 'ole mom.

My favorite? The blue background and pink heart with red sparkles. oh, and the cake. =)

Cookies don't replace being there, but they sure don't hurt either. :p

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

A Birthday Bloom

Today is Aimee's 32nd birthday. 32. Wow. Where did all the years go?

Aimee is a self-professed late bloomer. In high school, she waited so long to get her license we almost got it at the same time (probably would have if I hadn't failed the first two times. :p). She didn't have her first real (if you can call it that) boyfriend till her senior year in high school. And even though she attended UCLA, she didn't actually get to a football game till after she graduated. All her life she's been about two years behind - and that's a large reason we are so close. I am two years younger than her and right on time, if not early, for most things in life. So, we did things together. I think getting married in the same year was the epitome of that theory.

But time is irrelevant in a lot of ways. Personal growth and achievement cannot be measured by cultural norms and social expectations. Does it really matter that she didn't drive till she was 18? I don't think so. So, in a more fitting way - in honor of my girl's birthday, here's my recap of what I think were some of her more telling experiences and how it has shaped her into who she is today.

Letting me copy everything she did.
When we were little she would do something, and then I would have to do the exact same thing. Typical younger sister syndrome. But she wasn't the typical older sister who would stomp off in annoyance. She happily let me play along and copy her every move. She's still like that - letting people in and not minding if they have the same sweater, like the same food, etc. She is accepting and welcoming and people are drawn to her for that.

Passing the gifted test in elementary school.
Her smarts has always been one of her greatest tool and oftentimes her weakest. It was the greatest when she passed the AP Calculus test in high school with the highest grade possible, a 5. It was the greatest when she walked across the UCLA graduation stage and was awarded Magna Cum Laude. It was her weakest when she knew better but couldn't get herself to do it because of other demons. And so it would bring her into a dark place. But her mind has defined a lot of her and so it is fitting to be here.

Being chubby and having acne in middle school. 
Aimee has the softest heart to people who are outcasts, marginalized, awkward, or hurting. I think she got this during her middle school years when she was awkward and unsure of herself.

Getting slapped during lunch by Taylor...and not telling a soul.
Pleeassseee, you and I both know if anyone slapped me we'd be rolling on the floor pulling each other's hair out until someone stopped us. Oh wait, that actually happened. :p But not so with my secretive and gentle sister. When Taylor slapped her in middle school she didn't retaliate or tell anyone. Till this day, Aimee is never quite sure how to handle conflict when it is presented to her. Give her time to think on it and work it through and she's fine but in the heat of it she gets quite flustered and can't really make a fair judgment call. This is why I feel so fiercely protective of her. But I've learned, she needs to deal with it on her own.

Always being the oldest in youth group. 
We grew up in a small church. That meant it was hit or miss if you had anyone in your grade in Sunday School. In middle school and high school my grade had a large group and hers had her and one other kid that came and went. That was just the way the cookie crumbled. So she naturally was part of our group. We were all equals but the guys still saw her as the one in charge. And so that part of the play defined her.

The first day of high school when she wouldn't get out of the car.
Dad drove her and a friend to Venice that first day and she just couldn't get out of the car. So, he had to drive home with her in the backseat. Of course, she eventually got out and made it through all four years and loved it. But she still has a hard time with change and transitions.

Being liked by all the guys in high school. 
She hates when I bring this up almost as much as Blane does, but you can't pretend the truth wasn't the truth. Fact: Aimee bloomed into this pretty young thing in high school and couldn't keep the suitors away. And although she denied the attention she did learn to use that for her good! :p bahahaha

Struggling with an eating disorder and depression and eventually rising out of it.
As you probably know, for many years Aimee struggled with depression and an eating disorder. And although the struggle doesn't define her now, it still plays a huge role in who she is, what she is passionate about today, and how she lives her life. She told me once that she was afraid of how I would see her after I found out about the eating disorder. But, in truth, it has made me look up to her even more because she fought against it and is winning.

Reading back many of these things are negative experiences. That was not my initial intent. Can you see the beauty that rose from the ashes? I am still amazed and thankful to Jesus for creating such a beautiful person. She is loving, caring, gentle, and loyal.  All these ups and downs do not define her, they have refined her.

Aimee, may others have the same tenacity you have to bloom - no matter how late in life. Happy 32nd Birthday!

Monday, December 12, 2011

From Our Home To Yours

During this time of the year, one of my favorite things is receiving Christmas cards. Besides all the photos, I love seeing the creativity, sometimes the hilarity, and ultimately the personality in each card. I put a lot of stock in what our first Christmas card would look like and although the basic layout isn't original, all the details are. 

Josh and I hope you are filled with joy today, tomorrow, this year, and the next. Because truly, the gift of Jesus is more than sufficient in bringing joy to this wonderful life worth living.

From our home to yours, 
P.S. Send me an email if you want to swap Christmas cards! =) We would love to be on your mailing list!

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

The Tales of the Traveling Gypsies

Well. I'm someplace I thought I'd never say I'd be. Last night we drove back down the 5, even further than home, past Corona and someplace called Lake Elsinor, on to a lovely place called Temecula ending up at ... Pechanga

Josh has a work conference here for the remainder of the week. My dad text and asked what I was going to do while Josh was at the conference. This was my response, "I'm going to live the life pop! Gamble, drink during the day, and chain smoke! :p". 

Guess that wasn't funny. He did not respond. :)

Despite my dire predictions, the hotel is actually not bad. I mean, who can complain with a room like this?
Well folks, I'm off to make good on my promises. Who knows, I may even buy a 4x4 Dodge Durango find some cheap 27's and get it lifted. See you on the Eastside!

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

The One and Only Time I Will Be Posting About Hello Kitty :p

Despite the claim to the right, Leah and I have really known each other for the last four years. I say really because I've known her since childhood because we used to meet up at church camp every year. But after running into one another at a conference we began meeting up and soon became fast friends and accountability partners. She is pretty much the complete opposite of me but with the same basic values. =) That's part of the reason I love her so much. After she got engaged this year she honored me by asking me to be a bridesmaid! One of her many quirks is her love of Hello Kitty. I know some of you ladies may love HK but the truth is you'll never meet a more devoted fan. Of course it was so fitting to have her first shower's theme be all about the Kitty. 

HK favors stuffed with more HK goodies and a bona fide HK cupcake cake!
Cute right? Look closely!
Even the pineapple is HK!

 Leah's beaming mom. She was so cute because she opened the shower with a prayer and her voice was shaking because she was crying. Made me tear up too!
 We did a few games. I hate to brag but who won 2 out of 3?!?!! That's right baby! Yours truly showed them girls who was boss! :p Here is Leah with the finalists of the toilet tissue wedding gown game. To Leah's right is her 93 year old grandma. Tell me that isn't the cutest thing you've ever seen?
 We played this game, "What's in your Purse?!" Josh won this game for me. You know why? Check out the 50 point bonus on the bottom right. Yup, he makes me carry one of those. Score!
 I wish I had taken pictures of people and one of Leah and I but I just didn't think of it. Here the bride is surrounded by her gifts!  
For someone who loves so deeply on others...Leah, I hope you felt a small token of that love in return. Looking forward to the Wedding of the Century!  

Monday, December 5, 2011

Hello Monday

Went to a shower in LA this weekend for my friend Leah (click her link on the right if you need more info). Can't wait to show you the pics! Also, mailed our Christmas card last Friday. Stoked. I'll show you soon. Oh and coming up later this week, Josh's final thoughts on the season. Gear yourself up for it! But until I get myself together here's a moment from the weekend. 

I know things get crazy in December. But I hope you are leaving room for those wonderfully ridiculous silly moments. Here's a peak at mine. *Cue silly music. 

Thursday, December 1, 2011