Monday, April 29, 2013


more after the jump,

Friday, April 26, 2013

Friday Favorites

Last night Josh and I went to the Chris Tomlin concert. I could say a lot about it only to get at the point that it was great. So I'll just stick with that. It was a reset for me. Work has been good but through the everyday interactions I've found myself compromising on my integrity lately, one comment here or there. That's not who I want to be, and not who we are called to be.


I am working this weekend. Actually about 4,000 people from the church are too. Compassion Weekend was started about 7 years ago in an effort to love on the community. It continues to this day and this year includes 33 projects at locations throughout the Bay Area. You can learn about all the projects here.

This is what I, and many others, have been working on these last few months. On Saturday and Sunday I get to actually see all of the projects in action. I can't wait! Josh is in on the fun too. He's joining one of the head pastors for a project on Saturday.

I was also the recipient of this photo yesterday. The little guy in big boy shoes. 

But the laces did him in. He was captivated. So much so that  Aimee couldn't keep them tied. :)

I'm loving that concentration. 
// Web Favorites //

mom's amaze me, how do they do it all?

taking "playing with food" to a whole new level. P.S. only an asian..

I hope you also get the chance to love on a neighbor this weekend. See you Monday!

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

A Perfectly Ripe Plum

Our weekend fruit indulgence is spilling into our week and we aren't complaining.

These pictures make me crave summer if only for the sweet taste of white peaches, nectarines, strawberries, and plums.

A good plum is the king of summer fruit for me. What's yours? My mouth is salivating just thinking of finding a perfectly ripe plum. And with that I bid you good day.

Monday, April 22, 2013

Josh and I had a full weekend. Saturday night we joined some couples for an outdoor picnic. I brought this and my Mil's fruit salad. They were both a big hit. Then on Sunday I worked in the morning and Josh and I went to the Young Married's group for the first time.

While at church we also saw David Shaw and Josh had to hold me back from asking him for a photo. Although they have been a formidable foe in recent years, Josh respects their O-line and appreciates the program.

As we drove home all I could think about is how thankful I am for a glimpse into community. We've been missing it these last few years and this weekend I was filled with hope for the potential.

On another note, it's almost peony season! I swear it only lasts for three weeks so I'll be getting them while they last. I leave you to this Monday with these beauties.

Friday, April 19, 2013

Friday Favorites

These guys, two of my top three favorite people of all time. Getting these photos nail me every time. 

// Web Finds //

Holy Moly, these girls can sing! And an encore cause I can't get enough. One more, a cameo.

A behind the scenes of my favorite paper co. Sugar Paper LA.

The creativity coming from this blog is mind blowing.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Extreme By Design

Last week Josh and I went to Stanford to watch a documentary on a class called, Extreme by Design. The film follows these students who design and build products that solve problems for the world’s poor. This isn't just something they do for units, but it actually changes the world. Like one team created a breathing device to keep babies in Bangladesh from dying of pneumonia. 

They are smart and driven and have the power to change the world. I love seeing people use their talents for good. It is fascinating and makes you excited about the good in people and hopeful for the future.

The teaser, if you're interested.

And speaking of Stanford, a review of their product expo. The innovation astounds.

Monday, April 15, 2013


"The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit." Psalm 34:18

It was Melissa's bday yesterday. scares me to think how old we are getting. :p

We were in SJ, so we missed the festivities but while I was working I made sure to send her '32 Reasons She's So Great'. 

Have a wonderful Monday friends. 

Friday, April 12, 2013

Monday, April 8, 2013

All Eyes On Him

It was a Cole kind of weekend and rightly so. He was being dedicated at church and was having a party afterwards. He was all dressed up in his Sunday best, ready to go. See the bow tie? 

And then right before service started this face appeared.

And as they are being called up, I look over and what do I see? 

Yup. Passed out and missed the whole thing. :) Not like he would have remembered, but still. Blane spoke and said some powerful words, Godly words that tells me this boy is in the right hands. 

One big benefit of a smaller church, all of these outstretched hands promising to help raise Cole, and they really mean it. 
Makes this girl thankful, and rightly so.

Friday, April 5, 2013

Friday Favorites

Met Obama yesterday! Ok, I saw him from afar. Ok fine, in the mess of suits and uniforms I'd like to think I saw him. My coworker, Jessica, and I went walking during lunch and stumbled across the Presidential entourage. It was fascinating and very West Wing. McGarry, Josh, Sam! 

The press arrived and got into the two helicopters on the right. Behind the trees on the left the president and his staff got in those two. Sooo official and legit. 

There he goes!

The groupies


One day when we own a house, I'm going to throw one of these parties.

And speaking of, To Rent or To Buy. The great debate.

The itch has returned. What is it about springtime that does that to you?

Korean fried chicken served in a waffle? I'm in.


You didn't think Obama would replace Thumper would you?!? Unheard of and not happening.

Last Sunday's pic text to Josh and I from family Easter. 

7 months, 91 years, and one hot momma

Have a beautiful weekend!

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Read this story on my phone on the way to work (don't judge). Balled my eyes out.

People amaze me.

more here

Let's be better.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Due for a 'Do

I'm notoriously lazy when it comes to hair. I usually get around to cutting it when the dead ends begin to win the battle. Eh, more like when they've won the war. I'm just about due for a 'do. My last haircut was just over seven months ago (I think) and this heavy mop needs something.

In my mind I'm daring myself to try something different but my conscious must be telling me otherwise because these are the pictures I pulled from inStyle.

Any suggestions? 

Monday, April 1, 2013

The Line

Yesterday Josh and I got up 15 minutes earlier than usual thinking we were uber clever and going to beat the Easter crowds. 

You can imagine our surprise when we arrived to find ourselves in a line to get in. A LINE. I couldn't believe it. 

When did going to church become so popular? ;)

Happy April Fools! Be safe out there today kids and watch yo back! ;)