Friday, May 22, 2015

Friday Favorites

These two had a playdate the other day. 

// Web Favorites //

More IKEA makeovers.

D-land Diamond Jubilee - This is when I still had my pass.

Seawater into fuel. Amazing.

10 Ways to Enjoy Your Child Today

And before I leave you to your weekend, I just want to put a 'Happy Anniversary Josh' out there - my rock. 4 years in the bag!

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Ready or Not, She's Done.

Suddenly the house is done. 

I knew it was practically finished but seeing it completed made it oh-so-real.

Today we had our first home walk through. Josh's dad came to help us inspect the place. Little did he know he'd have a shadow following him around the whole time. His Jr. Inspector. 

Time to get to packin!

Monday, May 18, 2015

Randy + Grace

Saturday Josh and I went to my dear friend, Randy's wedding. Randy holds a special place in my heart (more on that here and here) so I was excited to witness his big day.

Here is Randy with his beautiful daughters. They shared a toast at the wedding and the youngest, Caitlin, brought down the house. Not a dry eye in the building.

I don't know Randy's new wife all that well. From my limited interaction with her she seems nice. Mostly I am so happy that Randy has a companion now. Someone to eat dinner with every night. Someone to sit around with. Someone to go on adventures with. Someone to grow old with.

No Dead Ends, Only New Beginnings

Isn't it impossible to keep from thinking about what is bothering you? A futile endeavor. God spoke to me through a children's devotional this morning.

And the Bible says we can't see everything God is doing in our lives either. But what looks like a dead end is really God lifting you up. Because there are no dead ends with God. Only new beginnings in disguise.
"God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God." Romans 8:28
[Thoughts To Make Your Heart Sing, Sally Lloyd Jones]

I hope your Monday is filled with hope!

Sunday, May 17, 2015

I am discouraged today. Sometimes I wish I was the type of person who didn't care so all the hype wouldn't get to me but the reality is I am someone who often cares too deeply. 

Instead of thinking about all that, I am going to think about this little slice of heaven. 

In between a wedding (more on that later) we stopped at the Anaheim Packing District to try the Popbar. It was wonderful! Green tea popsicle, half dipped in dark chocolate sprinkled with waffle cone bits and drizzled with white chocolate. Yum!

"I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world." John 16:33

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Thirtysomething Friendships

Cup of Jo wrote a post about a NY Magazine article called "The Secret to Staying Friends in Your Thirties". It is so me. It's like I was that kid in class who suddenly realized the answer and proceeds to frantically wave their hand in the air like a true looney. Read it if you have the time. If time is not on your side, here's the best part from the article.
Twentysomething friendships involve long, late nights, all-day walks, and hours-long phone conversations. But having friends in your 30s is functionally impossible. There is no good time to see people, no friend equivalent of the candlelit dinner and rose-strewn canopy bed. To stay friends is to make do with the social equivalent of a taco truck and bathroom quickie. As the opposite of a sensualist, I actually prefer this. There’s something both efficient and exciting about having friends woven into the texture of daily life. It feels almost illicit when we manage to steal time together, like we are cheating on our grown-up lives….
 What’s more, low expectations can be liberating. “When a friend comes to the grocery store with me because it’s what I have to do, the pressure to be fun evaporates,” says my friend Liesl. “Then we can just walk down the aisles and I can complain about the domestic shackles of having to make dinner and maybe get recipe ideas or maybe not, but somehow that kind of environment — purposeful, practical — allows me to be far more myself. And in that headspace — which is also key to feeling close to someone — the conversation organically weaves from the price of granola to something about my marriage to something I've read to petty gossip. And I feel way better after, especially since I got my groceries, too.” 
I need to go to Costco. Anyone want to join? ;)

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

19 Days

I've got 6 boxes packed and a million to go. Luckily I have a few weeks because considering the amount of breaks I've already given myself it'll take at least that long. 

But breaks to look at these are a no brainer. ;)

19 days!

Monday, May 11, 2015

Mother's Day

Mom's day was nice. Josh let me sleep in. He took the baby, pj's and all, across the street for some fancy granola and brought back some yummy breakfast. I'm so spoiled. 

Last mother's day I was still in the throws of newborness to wrap my head around mother's day but this year my thoughts were perfectly expressed by Kristina, of 100layercake, who said this, 

"Becoming a mother was the single most transformative experience of my life... There was a complete shift in how I experienced the world. It was wild, amazing, and scary, yet the most beautiful, enduring change of perspective that I can imagine. It's as if a new part of your being is born, along with your child... There is nothing like it in the world."

Thankful for all moms, seasoned, weathered, or new. And a shout out to all the new ladies who have joined the mama club this year with a special nod to my friend Jayna, who became a mother on Mother's Day. Baby has already got mama bear working overtime!

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Tacos and Chinese

Tonight we are having steak tacos because you know, Cinco de Mayo. But today's post is about the Met Gala. Quite possibly my favorite red carpet because it's so out there. La Bing Bing was my absolute favorite. She nailed the "China: Through the Looking Glass theme."

I wasn't a huge fan of all the naked girls mostly because I think they didn't really do anything related to the theme and also it's kinda cheating to make a statement that way. Did you think the same thing? Not this girl though. 

 It's not my favorite dress but she was by far my favorite on the red carpet. The epitome of the Met Gala. How can you not admire her gusto?

Monday, May 4, 2015

Some ramblings and a house update.

Anyone else swooning over the name of the new royal? Charlotte Elizabeth Diana. The perfect name for the fourth in line to the throne. Josh told me this morning and I almost teared when I heard Diana. haha.

I recently read an article (sorry, can't remember where or by who) about how to write well that basically said not to do everything that I always do. Use the word that. Write in complete sentences. Don't exaggerate. Refrain from hyperbole. I think I can actually be characterized as a prodigious over exaggerator and a walking hyperbole. Dang.

Exterior wall, up!