Saturday, June 27, 2015

It's been a trying week with my back. Our family really helped us get through - my dad came out two days to be with Emerson, my mil dropped off groceries, my Auntie came to play, and Josh was able to come home for lunch sometimes and leave work a few hours early other days.

Today I was able to sit for short periods of time and that small step is a huge leap in healing for me. Praise God.

Despite all things Emerson continues to be happy, busy, and joyous. The other day she repeated after me (in a somewhat garbled way), "Jesus, I love you. AMEN!' I just about died right then and there. My blessing.

Sunday, June 21, 2015

Hand's On

You know your husband is a great father when the dreams he holds for himself are the hopes he has for his daughter. 

Happy Father's Day to all the great, hands on dad's out there. And a little shout out to my own father, who was the best hand's on dad.

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

The Last Few Days

I can't drive yet so we've been hanging at the house. This is what we've been up to. 

Yes that's a booger but it was too darn cute to just let it sit on my phone! =)

Poor bunny

I think it's officially summer over here.

So so excited to hang the flag. I've always dreamed of having a flag out on my own home. I think she's excited too (to play with that pole anyway).

Swinging with daddy

 Wherever you are, it is 10 degrees hotter here. Today it is 93 degrees. Yikes! Thankful for air condition and a big house.

Monday, June 15, 2015

Howdy Neighbors!

We've finally met our neighbors. One side is a Filipino family and the other is an Indian family. Everyone is so nice. Initially I was worried because when one of them moved in I noticed they were drying their clothes on our adjoining wall and I wasn't sure what to think. Like, is this only the beginning of a relationship of no boundaries?!?

I made like a sleuth and snuck a picture through our blinds to send to Josh.

Wouldn't it be hilarious if they saw me taking the photo? Who's the crazy neighbor now??

Off to a good start!

Saturday, June 13, 2015

I'm Back, Again.

I know I told you I was back and then off and disappeared for a week. But I have a good excuse! Err, an excuse anyway. I'm not sure I can classify it as good since my back kinda went out on me. A week of not being able to sit, transition, turn, hold Emerson, or bend left us very worried that my back was relapsing. But each day I'm feeling stronger and so I see that as a good sign.

Icing the ole discs

A bonus was having a guest bedroom. My mom, bless her heart, came and stayed with us so that Josh could still go to work. Emerson would toddle to her room each morning saying, "Mimi Mimi Mimi" and then their great adventures would commence.

What would I do without my mom?

And my sweet husband who had to take over mom duties while still working.

I must admit I had a moment of despair and cried one night. But my sister sent me this text and my heart was reminded that God is in control. I have nothing to fear.

Hopefully healing and more unpacking happening this week.

P.S And I've made an executive decision, I will be posting pics of the house even though it isn't designer perfect! Initially I was feeling too embarrassed about the mismatched furniture and so on, but it's all a process so why wouldn't I have you come along with me? Silly me. More soon.

The Neighborhood cont.

I know I joked earlier about small town USA. And it is true, there is an adjustment that needs to take place when you are born and raised in Los Angeles. I didn't realize it but I was accustomed to a certain level of anonymity. I could walk out of the house looking like I had just walked out of bed and it was fine because no one knew me wherever I went. Here that is not the case.

Also, the amount of space out here is incredible. Wide, open, space. There are so many parks and trails and birds chirping, and trees rustling in the wind. The peace and quiet, the slow pace, really resonates in me. It is calming and makes me slow down. Last Friday Josh and I were running errands at 5:30 pm and we hit three different places across town within 20 minutes, no traffic. I think it is sufficient to say our minds were blown.

This beauty is changing me. I can already feel it.

Friday, June 5, 2015

The Neighborhood

Our neighborhood supermarket is enormous. 

I'm talking really big.

They even have a decent Asian section.

And an enormous pack of spareribs.

You'd think having 15 different options for mozzarella cheese would be a good thing. But yesterday I went over to grab a few ingredients for dinner and left an hour and a half (and $135!) later. I think I'll need to mentally prepare myself before each trip moving forward. Could be dangerous!

Also, it should be telling in and of itself that I've already been to a Walmart. I don't know what Walmart's normally look like but this one was decked out head to toe in USA! USA! USA! Banners on every aisle, flags at each end. 

And these two racks really left an impression on me.

Welcome to small town U.S.A.

Thursday, June 4, 2015

Move Week

We are alive!

For a while there I wasn't sure we were going to make it to the other side but reason, time, Dr. Kaminker, and helpful hands, has got us here. We have officially moved in to the new house and already it has changed our lives (but more on that later). First, some pictures from last week.

My girl playing hide and seek in a closet. 

Before our parents left, they all gathered round and prayed for us and this home. Cakes joined right in.

Our first dinner.

We have a small outdoor side yard and we love it. I foresee many summer dinners out on the patio.

The shutters!! It is the thing I love the most. We chose the extra wide (4 1/2 in) and I LOVE them. Don't mind the mess. I wish I could say it looks completely different now but that's just not the case. In fact, it's probably worse. ;) Baby steps.

The local park is literally up the street. Heaven.

So glad to finally have wifi. Glad to have a healthy baby. Glad to finally be settled enough to let myself relax a little. 

More soon!