Monday, September 28, 2015

A Quadruple Weekend

Last year we skipped the Annual Family Fishing Trip so my husband was itching for the freedom of lake living and fish catching.

The only thing different than usual was the addition of Emerson. So naturally, the entire trip was edited to accommodate her. ;) It was a wonderful weekend of firsts for her. First time fishing, first time catching a fish, first time on a boat, first time seeing a lake, and many others.

Her first catch!

Her best friend, Uncle Luke.

And a special one for Grandma. Who made it possible for this pregnant lady to make it, for her son to relax and enjoy fishing, and for Emerson to feel completely loved and cared for.

Traveling with a child is quadruple the amount of work with quadruple the amount of reward.

Wonderful new week to you friends.

Monday, September 21, 2015

Emmy's Number One

Different, classy, every piece put together. Winner.


Noe and Emerson have been spending a lot of time together since Baby A's arrival. I've taken to saying "girls!" whenever needing something or summonsing them and now Emerson often runs around saying, "Girls!". 

And here they are getting scolded for playing instead of sleeping. haha

Are you in weekend recovery like us today? Sweet, slow Monday to you all. 

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

"Courage Dear Heart"

Today we went in for Emerson's 18 month well visit and she passed with flying colors.  55% weight, 70% head circumference, 90% height (may be variable. not sure I held her still enough to grab a correct measurement).

She is cutting 6 teeth and had 3 shots today so she wasn't her normal self. A bit more cryie than usual, clingy, and certainly more "no's". But tonight as I was putting her down we had the most amazing moment. We had finished bath time and were winding down. I was giving her a bottle and I was softly going through the day and identifying people/events/things to thank Jesus for. Halfway through she piped in, "Bane" (Uncle Blane). I affirmed that we were thankful to Jesus for Uncle Blane and asked her what else from today was she thankful for and she said, "Noe" and "Aimee" then "Violet" (her talking stuffed animal). She said Uncle Blane again and then thought for a while before saying, "blankey" and "daddy" then "mommy" and she finished with "Aw-tin" (Austin).

My heart melted.

It is still melting.

As a parent, it is easy to be hyper aware of what your child is really good at and what they are not so good at. That is easily translatable to what you are good at and not so good at as a parent. But tonight was a reminder to myself to keep on truckin. Consistency pays off.

"Courage dear heart." -C.S. Lewis

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Austin Tadashi Snyder

Austin Tadashi Snyder came into our lives yesterday. 7 lbs 7 oz, 20.5 inches. Aimee is doing great and baby even better. 

There's this really beautiful moment that happens just seconds after a baby is born. Before they measure, weigh, and clean, they are placed on their mommy's chest and after they have cried out the trauma of having just gone through a birth, they settle - quietly, peacefully. Although surrounded by the unfamiliar there is something within them that senses the familiar. This is that moment.

Our cup overflows. 

Saturday, September 5, 2015

The LA Zoo

We took Emerson to the Los Angeles Zoo today. It was nice - not too crowded and not too hot.

She loved it. The joy of discovery is truly one of the greatest things about this age.

And our long weekend continues. 

Thursday, September 3, 2015


Today was a long one. It started by me dropping some groceries in the garage while trying to finagle a diaper bag, my daughter, keys, and phone into the house. Then our downward spiral really began when she pulled the food off the table because I left it within reach, right onto my newly cleaned floors. Then while holding a carton of apple juice she decided to squeeze it to oblivion, effectively covering both her and I in the juice. After that, while I was washing her feet in the sink, she grabbed the hand soap and giddily put the tip in her mouth. It was around that time I realized she had also pooped so up we went to take an early bath where, while waiting for me to get the bath ready, she looked down and said, "mama, pee pee". Sure enough, it was all over the floor, me, and Mr. Whale. 

Then again this also happened today.
Sitting in my lap, holding my hand, and watching the wind hit the trees.


Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Happy Birthday Cole!

My little Cakes turned 3 today. His grandma had a small lunch to celebrate. It had everything that makes him happy - food, more food, dessert, and presents. He was one happy camper.

Happy birthday to our favorite little construction worker!