Today we went in for Emerson's 18 month well visit and she passed with flying colors. 55% weight, 70% head circumference, 90% height (may be variable. not sure I held her still enough to grab a correct measurement).
She is cutting 6 teeth and had 3 shots today so she wasn't her normal self. A bit more cryie than usual, clingy, and certainly more "no's". But tonight as I was putting her down we had the most amazing moment. We had finished bath time and were winding down. I was giving her a bottle and I was softly going through the day and identifying people/events/things to thank Jesus for. Halfway through she piped in, "Bane" (Uncle Blane). I affirmed that we were thankful to Jesus for Uncle Blane and asked her what else from today was she thankful for and she said, "Noe" and "Aimee" then "Violet" (her talking stuffed animal). She said Uncle Blane again and then thought for a while before saying, "blankey" and "daddy" then "mommy" and she finished with "Aw-tin" (Austin).
My heart melted.
It is still melting.
As a parent, it is easy to be hyper aware of what your child is really good at and what they are not so good at. That is easily translatable to what you are good at and not so good at as a parent. But tonight was a reminder to myself to keep on truckin. Consistency pays off.
"Courage dear heart." -C.S. Lewis