Wednesday, March 13, 2019

The girls

Baby pictures of Emerson, Abby, and myself.

Our Calm Little Life

They say time stands still when you've had a baby. Those precious moments when they're just born. The days slow. The house quiets.

Not so over here. We've learned quickly that when you have two little ones scurrying around there is no slow down. I mean, her first bath was filmed by Emerson, while Landon was in the big bath and Josh was at work. The other day during pick up from school, I was breastfeeding, handing Landon snacks in the backseat, and moving the car forward in the valet line. On top of that, Josh has a looming deadline and hasn't been able to take a true leave. We are still in my parent's house. Emerson is busy with school. The house isn't done. We're dealing with death and life. Kumon. Birthday parties.

I'm not complaining though. This time around I haven't gone down the dark spiral of post pardon depression and it's been a refreshing change. I'm emotionally stable and I can see the difference it makes in everyone around me, especially the kids.

So while this time is hectic, it's also been sweet. I'm thankful that I got to experience a positive post pregnancy during our last go.

You may be thinking, "Oh my gosh! This poor little baby!" Let me reassure you, there has never been a more loved little baby - the number one benefit of being the last one in the family. 

Baby Abby's Birth Story

On Saturday, February 16, the kids had a busy day. Emerson had Kumon in the morning and both her and Landon had a birthday party in the afternoon.

I had been on the couch practically the whole day. Around noon I started loosely timing when I was feeling the worst. After a few hours I noticed a slight pattern. Was I having contractions? I've never been great about deciphering the difference between pain and contractions. Josh suggested we head to the hospital just in case. He reasoned we'd already hit our deductible so there really was no downside. I reluctantly agreed because I didn't want to be that lady with the false alarm.

So Josh dropped the kids off at my inlaws and then took me to the hospital. Ten minutes in the car and I began to experience some intense back pain every four minutes. I guess this was happening! When we pulled up to the hospital I could barely walk and Anthony the security guard must have felt that it was urgent because he literally ran us to Labor and Delivery. Bless his heart. =)

I was admitted. They asked me for my drivers license. I forgot it in the diaper bag. They asked if I had called my OB, I hadn't. lol

My doc arrived when my contractions were 3 minutes apart. They tried to stop them with some steroids. No go. I figured it wasn't going to work because they had also tried that with Landon and it hadn't worked then. Around 7pm on Saturday, February 16, I was wheeled into surgery for a c-section. I was prepped, given a spinal, and half an hour later, she was born. I saw her for a moment before they whisked her to the NICU to help her breathing.

They sewed me up and moved me to post op. My mom, sister, and Melissa came and hung out for a while. Josh went to see Abby and find out how serious her situation was. It was helpful that we went through the NICU with Landon. Josh already knew all the terms, could tell you what all the machines were monitoring, and was familiar with the language from the doctors and nurses. He knew right away that she was better than Landon was. We breathed a sigh of relief and prayed nothing would come up.

I was moved to a private room for recovery. The girls went home. My kids went back to my parents. My dad came by that night. I stayed four days. Josh went back and forth from the kids to us. I began to have intense headaches. My doctor thought it was the oxy. Turns out the spinal went a bit too far and there was a slight hole that was leaking fluids. Not a big deal. It would either seal up on its own in about a weeks time or I could do a little procedure to close it up. With the procedure I would have to go off the Motrin and take some caffeine. Neither of which I was keen on since the Motrin was my lifeline and the caffeine would have interfered with breast feeding. I decided to stick it out. The first few days at home the headaches were debilitating but after that they slowly declined until I woke up about 7 days later and was fine. Yay! We resumed two a days at the hospital to breastfeed, hold her, and deliver milk that I had pumped.

On Saturday, February 23 a week after Abby was born, we went to see her in the morning and then headed to Emerson and Noe's 5th birthday party at Chuck E Cheese. On the way home we got the call that she had been discharged so we dropped the kids off with my mom and went to bring our baby home! That night Emerson opened all her presents with the whole family, and baby Abby.