Tuesday, January 2, 2024

Recap 2023

The book that lingers in my mind still - Jungle Pilot, Nate Saint

Most Riveting Audiobook - The Light in Hidden Places, Sharon Cameron

Most Played Album - The Narrow Way, Steffany Gretzinger

Most Impactful Kid's Devotionals

God's Names - Sally Michael (elementary)

A New View from the Zoo - Gary Richmond (mid + upper elementary) This was a true delight for us all!

A Child's Book of Character Building - Ron Coriell (younger elementary)

What worked in my pursuit of God

BSF (Bible Study Fellowship)

Gospel in Life Podcast, Tim Keller messages 

Verity Podcast, Phylicia Masonheimer

The Bible Project Podcast, Tim Mackie

Psalms in 30 Days, Trevin Wax

Rhythms that changed

Taking a step back from volunteering at the kid's school beginning in the fall and it really took the unhurried out of a hurried life. 

Every weekday morning with God in my bible. The book that is my right hand side.

Every weekday workout.

Early to church before practice and before service to sit in silence and prayer. 

Emerson and Landon getting ready for school by themselves.

Josh back in the office 3x a week

Date night every quarter or so


Most memorable was our first family trip to Oahu.

Most life giving was the overnighter with Josh to Napa.

Most laughter (and tears) was the girls trip to SLO.

Significant Events

Abbys first foray into team sports (soccer)

Emerson took her rec softball team to State. (so. many. games. so. many. weekends.)

Landon and Josh twice a week for bball

piano for the older two

Awana for Landon

Some health diagnosis's

Abby grew up this year. She was Timon in the PS4 production of Lion King and Mary in the Christmas program. She was prepared, poised, and did what she was supposed to when she was supposed to. \

Took Emerson on a girls' overnighter to talk about growing up.

Monday, January 1, 2024

26 Things I Learned About God in 2023

God taught me so much in 2023 through my pursuit of Him - not glib  and random thoughts but truths forged in the fire and written through tears and/or awe. God is His great mercy, still willing to teach me, come alongside me, reveal himself to me. to us. Wow. Here are 26 of them:

1. The KJV got it wrong, the famous saying "Peace on Earth, good will towards men!" is actually translated "Peace towards men, to whom God has good will, on whom His favor rests". Subtle change but major shift in theology. Jesus brought peace WITH God. Peace WITH God. Sheesh! (Tim Keller)

2. Jesus wept - death was not God's original design for us. So when Lazarus died and Jesus wept He was mourning how far we had come from God's original intent for us. (Tim Keller)

3. God is always working for our good and His glory. (Psalm 145:17-21)

4. Just facing the truth won't heal us, it is facing the truth in light of God's truth, that sets us free. (BSF)

5. We won't understand the why until we understand the WHO.

6. Jesus always left room for people to return to Him, even in His dealings with the Pharisees. We, too, must leave room for those who have gone astray or done wrong or turned away, to return. Truth and grace must go hand in hand. (Study of John)

7. When we believe that Jesus' love has overcome death itself, joy becomes reasonable in the darkest of circumstances. (Tim Mackie)

8. We don't want to violate scripture in an effort to defend scripture. (Muddamale)

9. Worship is an offering to the Lord in response to the glory of the Lord. It is a means of articulating our gratitude for who He is and in humility a chance to assume heaven's posture now.

10. We do not seek God's hand, we seek His face. (Phylicia Masonheimer)

11. Legalism replaces a living relationship with a list of rules. We can do this. We can't do that. It's a shortcut to the walk go faith. Why do we do this? Because following rules are the easier route than seeking the quite approval of Jesus. Legalism removes the necessity of a daily relationship with God because we just "have to follow the rules" Legalism drives a wedge between the truth of God and our hearts. (Isaiah 29:13) Satan loves legalism. he loves separating our hearts from the Father. (Genesis 2 & 3)

12. God will bring down anything that isn't giving Him glory. Woah to me. Woah to my family. Woah to my church. 

13. Satisfaction in God is a discipline of the Holy Spirit. (Phylicia Masonheimer)

14. What God has called you to, He will sustain you for in obedience and service to Him (1 Kings 19)

15. God upholds the faithful but frail. (BSF)

16. I'm responsible for the depth of my ministry, God is responsible for the breath of the ministry. (Rick Warren)

17. I am responsible for the obedience. God is responsible for the outcome.

18. If I've got to walk through it, then I am bound and determined that I am going to make the enemy regret that he messed with me. (Lisa Terkeurst)

19. Our vision must be the face of the Lord.

20. If we do our part for one generation, He'll do His for a thousand! (Isaiah 38 & 39) If I am willing to be the link through whom God works to bring greater faithfulness and effectiveness, then my life could affect every generation in your family until He comes. (Beth Moore)

21. No good thing does He withhold. (Psalm 84)

22. It isn't the big events in your life where your character is forged. No, those reveal who you have become. our character is formed in the mundane, day in and day out pursuit of God. (Tim Keller)

23. For the work in the end, as well as the labeling, is all God's. (Elizabeth Elliot)

25. I want to be burned up by others so they can find the Jesus that I have fallen in love with. (Joni Erikson Tada)

26. The Names of God - Elohim, Jehovah Yahweh, El Shaddai, El Elyonm, El Kana, Jehovah El Emeth, Adonai, El Row, Jehovah Shaman, Jehovah Sabbath, Jehovah Jireh, Jehovah Shalom, Jehovah Maginnenu, Jehovah Rohi (Sally Michael)