Friday, June 28, 2013

Friday Favorites

Being home and not working for the time being has afforded me time with these two. Love them. A Friday Favorite for sure. 

What are you doing this weekend? We have family from both sides coming into town on Saturday so the party won't stop. Hope you have a safe one! See ya on Monday from our last minute vacation destination. ^-^

// Friday Favorites //

Heroic and insightful.

Easy iced coffee at home.

That's all folks!

Thursday, June 27, 2013

At our new place when you open the door you walk up a few stairs to reach the apartment. At the top there's a small landing. The tenant before us had a wonderful piece of art on the wall. It certainly made a statement since it is the first thing you see. We can't afford art but we can afford prints.

I was browsing on Etsy and found these. What do you think?

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

We registered for a 7-day trial at the local YMCA. Is that cheating since we aren't planning on staying in the area? 

Don't answer that.

And for the record, the only reason I was watching Toddlers and Tiaras is because it was the only station that had subtitles. I swear on my momma girl! *snap *head tilt

Whoops, maybe I watched it a little too long. ;)

Monday, June 24, 2013

This weekend, The Getty

Hi friends!

How was your weekend?

Josh and I signed our lease on Saturday. A little one bedroom that I picture having intimate dinner parties and movie nights with the gang in. There's even a fireplace. *swoon! The catch is it isn't available until July 15 so I heaved a sign of resignation and gave in to the nomadic life. This week we are in the valley and then the week after Josh's work shuts down so he gets time off right out of the gate. Can't wait to show you where we'll be..

In the meantime, LA's been kind to us. Be kind back today folks. Happy Monday.

Friday, June 21, 2013

Friday Favorites

Us unpacking into Aimee's garage last Wednesday...I promise I was helping. ;)

/ / Potential art finds for the apartment / /

American flag

Praise the Lord!

This is my year

If you sprinkle when you tinkle,

Mini Moka


San Francisco

Amen Hallelujah Thank You Lord

Argus Seventy Five

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

The Perks of Being Home

One of the perks of being home is sitting with my grandma in church on Sunday. I wish this had been a gif. because we were bobbing to the tunes. :)

Monday, June 17, 2013


Thanks to our friend, Amy, we had a photobooth at mom's retirement party.

Sunday, June 16, 2013

The Great Move

We made it.

Wednesday morning Josh's parents flew in, and after the apartment was packed up and the uhaul loaded, the four of us drove it all back. We left some it at Josh's parents, some of it at my parents, and on Thursday Josh, and our unexpected angels Ken and Kyle, unpacked the majority of it into Aimee's garage.

Needless to say we are a mess and our stuff is scattered all over Southern California.

Once we got home we hit the ground running. Friday we ran around prepping for my mom's retirement party. Saturday we celebrated that retirement and when it finished we rushed off to a high school graduation dinner for Josh's boys. Sunday we celebrated Father's Day, twice, and then loaded up our cars again for a two week stay in the valley. We are holing up in a hotel for a few weeks and then moving on to Phase Two of, what I am now calling, The Great Move.

So Cal has been great - with many celebrations, family, and warm embraces from community. In the same breath Josh started feeling sick yesterday and I'm just plain exhausted. Pray he's well for his first day of work!

Phase One of The Great Move, complete.

the family at church

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Our Last Night

Tonight is our last night in the apartment. We spent our first two years of marriage here and I have sweet memories in this place.

I'd be more nostalgic except this is my reality.

Moving day begins tomorrow, 8am sharp!

Sunday, June 9, 2013


Josh received a farewell card signed by his coworkers on Friday. My favorites -

Josh, choosing So Cal over Nor Cal, I don't get it. But best of luck anyway. If you need something don't hesitate to call. 

Josh - It's REALLY hard to have to say goodbye to such a talented Engineer. Good luck!

To Josh, the young guy who showed the old guys how to stay organized, write clearly, be patient, and how to do clean circuit design with easy-read schematics and FPGA code! Good move to So Cal. Family first!

On to bigger and better things, huh? Impossible! Nothing will compare to this Nirvana! Kidding!

Dear Josh, perhaps someday you'll come back to Abbott and I will be reporting to you! It's been a great pleasure working with you, wishing you the best.

They went to Dave and Busters for lunch. Had a few handshakes and walked out with well wishes. I, on the other hand, cried with two people, had coffee with one, lunch with another, wrote cards, hugged too many to count, and took pictures with everyone. The difference between feelers and thinkers, engineers and church workers.

Packing on Monday and Tuesday. Uhaul'ing on Wednesday.

L.A. here we come!

Friday, June 7, 2013

Last Days

Today is my last day at work, Josh's last day at work, and my mom's last day at work. What are the odds? I've been at my place 4 months, Josh 3 years at his, and my mom 35 years at hers.

Mom wins. :)

The obligatory happy hour, the "we'll miss you" emails, and the general well wishes. I cringe at these things. Then there's always the real thing when you leave a place. The hope that you are finishing well. The genuine hugs and the thoughtful goodbyes. You think about what you should have done differently and the things you've accomplished. You look well on those who worked hard and already miss those you've grown attached to.

And when it's all over you hope you are a better person that when you started.

When one door opens, another closes.

Monday, June 3, 2013

So this is happening.

She is so darn cute.
Come celebrate with us!

Sunday, June 2, 2013

The Not-So Secret, Secret

The not-so secret, secret is finally out - we are moving home.

Josh accepted a position at Boston Scientific and starts on the 17. We flew into town this weekend to find a place to live and were greeted by love, cheers, and congratulations.

I find myself both happy and sad about the transition. There are pros and cons to living in both areas so I am trusting that the Lord is directing our path and leading us where we should be.

I was telling Josh over dinner that my fear is not handling all that is quickly approaching with grace. These past few years we've lived quietly and peacefully and I'm afraid of the messier life that waits for us in So Cal.

In the next ten days we have to figure out our living situation, sign a lease, pack, clean, say good-bye to our workplaces, drive two cars and a moving truck down south, unpack, get Josh ready for work, and settle in. Yikes! But for now, I am content to enjoy my last few days at work and my last few nights in our wonderful apartment.
