Sunday, June 9, 2013


Josh received a farewell card signed by his coworkers on Friday. My favorites -

Josh, choosing So Cal over Nor Cal, I don't get it. But best of luck anyway. If you need something don't hesitate to call. 

Josh - It's REALLY hard to have to say goodbye to such a talented Engineer. Good luck!

To Josh, the young guy who showed the old guys how to stay organized, write clearly, be patient, and how to do clean circuit design with easy-read schematics and FPGA code! Good move to So Cal. Family first!

On to bigger and better things, huh? Impossible! Nothing will compare to this Nirvana! Kidding!

Dear Josh, perhaps someday you'll come back to Abbott and I will be reporting to you! It's been a great pleasure working with you, wishing you the best.

They went to Dave and Busters for lunch. Had a few handshakes and walked out with well wishes. I, on the other hand, cried with two people, had coffee with one, lunch with another, wrote cards, hugged too many to count, and took pictures with everyone. The difference between feelers and thinkers, engineers and church workers.

Packing on Monday and Tuesday. Uhaul'ing on Wednesday.

L.A. here we come!


  1. i'm a feeler too JJ! =) Congrats on the move and may your transition be smooth into an already familiar community.

  2. This made me a bit teary eyed...but not teary eyed enough to thwart the BIG FAT SMILE on my face! Home or BUST! :D
