Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Mom Guilt

I was just sharing with Melissa last week about mom guilt. Mom guilt is an awful feeling that, since the baby has been here, has kinda consumed me. Like when I wasn't producing enough breast milk for her - guilt. When I'm too tired to read her a book - guilt. When I haven't done tummy time with her that day - guilt. When she's been in the car seat too long - guilt. When I haven't sung enough songs, changed her diaper earlier, let her cry too long, fed her too late.. you get me. 

I haven't been able to get a handle on it. I think a lot of it stems from my fear of being a bad mother or worrying that I'll look back one day and regret that I didn't do more. But I want to be motivated to care for her based on love, not based on guilt.

I didn't realize that other moms have felt the same thing until I saw this post from Oh Joy! She had this to say:

"I've recently spoken at a few conferences, and I always get asked about how to deal with feeling guilty about being away from your child as a working mom. Now, let me preface this by saying that "mom guilt" is an epidemic that every mother I know seems to feel often—whether they're stay-at-home-moms, working moms, or any kind of mom—we (unfortunately) feel bad for something. "

Any of you moms get mom guilt? And if so, what do you do about it?

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