Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Just A Little Piece

Starting with a tangent.. this morning Cakes was giving "Emma Girl" kisses through the phone. Adorbs!

Anyway, on to what's on my mind. I don't think it's a secret that Josh and I are looking to buy a home. A few months ago we actually were one signature away from buying a little bitty place and this circumstance led to that circumstance and we pulled out. I haven't regretted that one bit. 

But this morning the babes and I were power walking and I happened upon a cute neighborhood and a piece of me, not a big piece but a piece, wished we had a little place to call ours. Don't get me wrong, we have moved 5x in three years, one time I was pregnant and the other we had a baby, so it's not like I want to subject myself (or Josh's family) to that again, but still. 

 Just a little piece. 

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