We have this calendar hanging in Emerson's room that we use to note her little and big milestones. A few days ago on her 11 month birthday I wrote "turned the stroller seat around". And while this may not seem significant, it is to me. See, I can't see her anymore. It's not her and I out and about anymore, it's her and the world.
And here's the thing. She absolutely loves it. She loves it so much that I realize we probably should have done it sooner. She just crosses her legs and watches the world pass her by, pointing to that tree or making her barking noises at some dog, or exclaiming over something that caught her eye.
I haven't even had her a year yet. My heart is screaming, 'too soon! too soon!' But I see now that is the way it goes though. The standard order of things. One year of total dependence and then a lifetime of little moments of letting go that ends up with a big let go in college and then the ultimate let go when they marry.
Maybe it is better that it happens in such small increments. Lends us the chance of not having a total psychotic break when they venture out on their own.
11 months.
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