Wednesday, December 27, 2017

The Mark of Christmas

Each Christmas is marked by something. 2016 - Landon's first Christmas! 2015 - Christmas in our new house. 2014 - we had E and it changed the direction of our hearts forever

We had a wonderful Christmas this year. The kids were lavishly loved on. The family parties memorable. The school stuff - performances/pajama parties/gingerbread house decorating/gift exchanges/cookie decorating playdates. A surprise 70th birthday soiree. E's first sleepover at Grandpa and Grandma's house. My mom did a daily advent with the kids that was just the best. Staycation at Disneyland. The kids went to their first Candlelight Christmas Eve Service. The girl cousins had a 'sleepover' with my mom (in the living room) on Christmas. Sweet sweet memories.

But the indelible mark of Christmas this year was the act of extraordinary giving. In the past month Josh and I have been able to participate, in a small way, in some extraordinary giving and our hearts are so full we could burst! 

Here's what happened for one of those acts: The Saturday night before Christmas we found out a family from our church weren't able to give their children any presents for Christmas. Four kids - the two youngest in middle school and high school. The next day, Christmas Sunday, on a whim my sister (who has never done anything like this before) posted this on social media. 

The response was overwhelming. Over the next 12 hours SO. MANY. PEOPLE. gave money, dropped off presents, brought over gift cards. People who have no money, some who do, couples, singles, older, younger, families who know them personally, and complete strangers. COMPLETE STRANGERS! 

The girls when opening their gifts.

It was remarkable.

I am compelled to write the names of those who gave because their giving has left a permanent mark on my own heart. I know they'll never see this nor do I think any of them need the recognition but the act of typing it out gives me a chance to linger on each person and ask Jesus for a sweet blessing on their lives.

Kelsey. Jodi and David. Sandy. Blane and Aimee. Randy and Laurie. Melissa. Gary, Lola, Courtney and Sydney. Jason and Dawn. Lori. Pat and Tduk. Rianna. Leila. Michelle. Chanh. Mark and Ruth. Paige. Reg and Mayme. Sheldon and Kristin. Grace. Noah. Begum. Nozomu and Mifumi. Dad and Mom. Josh. Anonymous givers. 

What an incredible reminder to be generous, to love, and to serve others. I hope you too, get the chance to be the hands and feet of Jesus and participate in some extraordinary giving in 2018. 

Merry Christmas!

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