It's hard to believe we are heading into the final month of Emerson's first year of school, and our first year as parents to a kid who is in school. lol At our preschool there are AM and PM classes. I didn't realize this prior but apparently to get into the AM classes there was a very early registration line long before school started. Little did I know when I waltzed in a month after that and asked for the AM class with the most popular teacher. :p
Needless to say we ended up in the PM class. Since then I have lovingly referred to us as the PM Moms. - you know, the ones who weren't on top of it enough to get into the AM class. Some say underachievers, others say relaxed and happier. lol
There was a candy drive around Halloween time. The class that brought in the most bags received a popsicle party. When I saw the list I died laughing. Can you guess which was our class?
Yup, that's us, at the very bottom T/TH PM class Miss Bree and Miss Jill. GAH! Josh wanted to wait till the last second and then buy the total number of bags +1. He's such an AM Dad (which I despise and also revere him for).
In our PM Mom Posse (haha) we have one who is really an AM Mom but sadly got stuck with us. lol She stood in line for registration and missed the AM class by like two people. She volunteers in class, brings the teachers their favorite Starbucks drink, and always knows what is going on. You know the AM type.
So anyway, I learned a lot this year about what it takes to be a good school parent. How to be involved and helpful without being a difficult parent. Emerson was accepted into a private Pre-K thru 8th school for the fall so I'm heading into the big league of AM Mom's. Oh mercy me.
This year was a wonderful introduction for Emerson and myself on navigating school. Thankful for the moms I got to know who I commiserated with, asked dumb questions to, and laughed with. It was a good year.