Monday, April 2, 2018

On The Market

Today our house officially went on the market. I gotta tell you, I feel like I just stepped out of the shower and everyone saw me. So exposed! The money, the decorations, the layout...ugh. I want to hide under a rug until this is all over. 

As a naturally anxious person, you might imagine the butterflies that are swarming around my insides about this whole process. Lord, step in. 

Also, can I get all the praise hands that March is over? Yesterday at Easter service, two people asked me if I was expecting. AS IN HAVING A BABY WHICH I CERTAINLY AM NOT. I guess the stress eating of 2018 has appeared. But guys, I thought everyone knew the social protocol about addressing someone potentially being pregnant? Basically you don't even glance in the direction of the stomach until they are nine months pregnant and waddling like a duck. Even then I'd wait until they brought it up. Right? 

Easter was good. Busy. 

Emerson loves a good audience and although she ham'ed it up, I actually thought she was pretty reserved. A few curtsey's, half turns, loud off key singing about two words behind the song.. my girl!

I'd never thought I'd say this, but this may be their best annual Easter photo yet. 

Landon had to open each egg before continuing on his hunt. Then he would tell me if there was one candy or two. Always a little pep in his step afterwards if it was two. heh

So glad March is in the past and I'm hoping that April, and the arrival of spring, will also bring a refresh to myself and our family. 

Gotta go, need to stress eat about my stress eating. 

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