The most notable is the little learned how to climb out of the crib and I fear our easy bedtimes and peaceful nights are a thing of the past. Emerson is a rule follower so her transition to a toddler bed was pretty easy. We told her she couldn't get out of her bed and so she never did. In the morning she'd wait till we came and got her and at night she'd just roll around in her bed until she fell asleep. In retrospect, a dream toddler.
Landon is a bit more of a rascal so I'm not sure a simple, "You can't get out of bed. Call me if you need me." is going to work as well. We will see. Last night was his first in the toddler bed and he slept through and didn't get out in the morning till Josh came and got him. We will see how tonight goes. *fingers crossed
Certainly not a pretty picture but also the prettiest of all pictures. |
And to round out this week, I've begun weekly shots of progesterone to ensure I don't go into early labor as I have in my previous pregnancies. Thankfully I can administer them at home but last night Josh and I realized that he cannot be the administrator. My a** is still hurting from his timid and excruciatingly slow and jiggly jab. Oh the things women go through for the sake of their husbands wanting a third child (Josh is that babymoon back on the table now? lol).
House update coming next.
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