Monday, January 7, 2019

Tylertown, Mississippi

This Christmas we checked one of my mom's boxes and fulfilled her wish that all of us would be celebrating Christmas in her hometown of Tylertown, Mississippi with her mom and extended family.   My kids finally got to meet their other great grandma and got a taste of what the rural south is all about. 

Thunderstorms, interstates instead of freeways, trees and swamps instead of buildings, Walmarts, no Starbucks, fried food, homes with acres, guns, people with accents. They had a good time. 

Landon especially loved the plane flights. TV for 3 hours straight? Food at his beck and call? Aisle seat? Clearly living his best life. 

They randomly asked if the kids wanted to see the cockpit and sit in the pilots chair. Emerson even got to say Merry Christmas over the speaker phone.

Christmas Eve dinner at a Waffle House in Louisiana. My husband couldn't be happier.

Christmas day at my Auntie Jo's with her kids and their kids.

Notable mention Emerson and Landon slept together for the first time. Landon fell off the bed twice and ended up sleeping with us. How do people who cosleep survive?? Better people than I am.

Hence us two at breakfast at the crack of dawn.

And the main reason for all the effort, this time with my Gram.

These rascals in their first self driving vehicle.

Terrorizing the world with pool noodles.

My cousins!

Visiting my gram in her rest home.

And finally, Landon sleeping in his own bed. Hallelujah! What a beautiful sight.

The rest of my family traveled down to Tennessee to visit my mom's brother, his wife, six kids, and their kids. I was sad to have missed that precious time but was thankful that I made the trip at all.

This week my guys celebrate their birthdays! Josh and Luke turn 33 and 30, respectively, on Thursday, and Landon turns 3 on Friday. The party continues! And by party I mean the appreciation continues, no parties for anyone when mama is in the third trimester and moving around like a beached whale. =)

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