Sunday, April 28, 2019

We celebrated my inlaws birthday's on Saturday with a little potluck on our deck. 

Thankful for Kylie and Daniel (her hubs) and their care for our children. And yes, that is a giant projector in the yard. Dreaming of the summer movie nights to come!

Wednesday, April 24, 2019

The other day it was late in the afternoon and I was driving to a local spot to grab dinner with my side and it hit me. Dinner with my family mid week with the kids and a quick drive home? That was the dream before we moved and here it was, happening. That dream certainly didn't include a little baby but here she is, giving us a bigger dream than we ever imagined.

Monday, April 22, 2019


We had a wonderful Easter.

I heard a lot of great biblical commentary about the death and resurrection of Christ. One in particular stood out to me the most and it was from Beth Moore. She spoke about Peter's denial of Christ and of Judas' betrayal.

Mindful this day of Peter and his crushing denials of Christ. Praise God for the man Jesus made of him in the aftermath. It proves that, in Him, failure is NOT a life sentence. The cross of Christ stands eternally fixed, a stake in the ground, between failing and being a failure. I see few heavier burdens among believers than the crushing weight many continue to bear over previous failure sorrowfully repented years ago. 

That Thursday night at the Passover table, Jesus knew the difference between a faker (Judas) & a failure (Peter). That failure became a success: One of the fiercest forces in the New Testament history. GIVE IT TO JESUS. Every ounce of your failure. Offer it to Him to do with it whatever He pleases. 

...There by faith, failures are crucified with Christ & no longer live & trophies of grace walk out of graves.

The life giving power of the resurrection.

Saturday, April 20, 2019

Two Months

Two months post birth some women are ecstatic that they can fit back into their pre maternity clothes. Y'all, I'm thrilled because I can finally fit back into my maternity clothes. lol

I can't tell you how different post pregnancy has been without the post partum component. I am truly enjoying Abby. Everyday needs are not a burden and seemingly insurmountable. I am so thankful I got to experience a post pregnancy without it.

A lot has changed since Abby has joined us. At her one month doctor appointment, my girl rolled over, twice. First time mom me would have been so proud. Third time mom me is bummed that I can't leave her on the changing table anymore. The day after Abby's two month appointment, she began really smiling at us. Oh, my heart! 

Also, we moved! (This explains my online absence. Sorry, we haven't had internet). We are busy trying to finish all the projects - but loving hanging out on our deck, celebrating bdays, and visiting our local farmers market. Some pics.

Life is full and with the addition of Abby, getting anything done around the house is a slow moving train. But oh, how sweet the slow is! 😂