Monday, April 22, 2019


We had a wonderful Easter.

I heard a lot of great biblical commentary about the death and resurrection of Christ. One in particular stood out to me the most and it was from Beth Moore. She spoke about Peter's denial of Christ and of Judas' betrayal.

Mindful this day of Peter and his crushing denials of Christ. Praise God for the man Jesus made of him in the aftermath. It proves that, in Him, failure is NOT a life sentence. The cross of Christ stands eternally fixed, a stake in the ground, between failing and being a failure. I see few heavier burdens among believers than the crushing weight many continue to bear over previous failure sorrowfully repented years ago. 

That Thursday night at the Passover table, Jesus knew the difference between a faker (Judas) & a failure (Peter). That failure became a success: One of the fiercest forces in the New Testament history. GIVE IT TO JESUS. Every ounce of your failure. Offer it to Him to do with it whatever He pleases. 

...There by faith, failures are crucified with Christ & no longer live & trophies of grace walk out of graves.

The life giving power of the resurrection.

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