This is our last week of summer. Next week school starts for both Landon and Emerson.
This summer Emerson learned how to swim enough to no longer wear floaties! All the kids went to camp for the first time. Legoland too. We enjoyed our annual trip to the Sierra's. Abby went to Disneyland for the first time. We made memories in Palm Springs with the cousins. Had our first sleepover in the new house and our first movie night too. VBS. Swimming at friend's houses. Birthday parties. Abby began sleeping through the night. Eating food. Sucking her fingers and FINALLY taking naps in a crib. Josh put down some grass. Added storage to our closets. Installed a mirror. Began building a fence.
This fall is already shaping up to be a busy one. School, piano lessons, joining a bible study, starting a small group, and potentially some others things in the works. Life is busy and full but ultimately my takeaway from this whole summer boils down to this ~ God stirred something in my heart and my family is headed in a new way. The days can come and go but I know this, He is doing a new thing.
God has been nudging me for months (maybe years but was I listening?) but I could not figure out what He was nudging me towards. But there has been a palpable sense that I am missing something for myself and my children. Remember I spoke of that podcast by Christine Caine? And other proddings.
One of the things I was convicted about at camp was reading the Word. Like, every. single. day. And not just being familiar with it, but having an intimate understanding of scripture. I suppose it had become boring for me so I set really reading it aside. But during one of the sessions, the pastor reminded me that 90% of the time, you will not receive anything from your time in the bible. There is a common misconception that you read the bible to dissect what it is trying to say. But we have forgotten that the bible is not just another book. The Word of God is active, and living, and sharper than a two edge sword. You don't dissect the scripture, the scripture dissects you. The Holy Spirit will speak to you. But if you want Him to speak to you, you must put in the work. He is asking of me obedience and diligence.
So I began to read (using the app, Read Scripture). And I asked a few of my friends to join me because I want that accountability. I want someone to ask me eight months from now if I read my bible that day. And I want to say, yes I did!
And would you believe it, I'm hooked. I've been a Christian almost my entire life and I have never felt so excited to read the Word of God every day. I've had a revival in my heart. And truth is, I feel like we are on the cusp a revival in my community.
All the desires of my heart for my children and my family and my ministry have become crystal clear. What is important has risen to the surface and what isn't important has fallen to the way side.
For the Lord is righteous. He loves righteous deeds. the upright will behold his face. Psalm 11
I used to hesitate in making bold declarations here for fear the post wouldn't age well. Would it still be relevant in years to come? But I am resolute. I knew, before I left camp that I was changed. My hand is stretched before me, steady. My heart strong. My soul decided. My eyes bright. God is doing something new.
All my pictures have synced so I have no excuses, time to post our annual fishing trip to the Eastern Sierra's! Before I decided to take the kids to camp in Northern California, we had our annual family fishing trip scheduled for the weekend. So Josh bought a flight and met the kids and I at camp before driving through Yosemite to meet up with his side of the family near June Lake.
When we were first married and living up north, Josh and I would do that drive to meet up with the family. I forgot how much I enjoyed it. It is just beautiful. Also, how bonkers are we for road tripping with two adults and three kids in a Honda CRV?
This year was different than most. We didn't catch a lot of fish and Abby and I stayed at the cabin a lot. Emerson and Landon both had colds, and on the last night Emerson picked up a fever. Abby wasn't sleeping through the night either so I think I had a total of three hours of sleep on two of the nights. But it's tradition and also look at these memories. Worth it.
Overall, we had a wonderful time. But after spending a week away and on the go I was so so happy to to be home. I think we all were. For the first time in days, everyone slept through the night.
We are home and so much has happened in my heart and in my life I'm tempted to just skip it here because it's too much and also my photos haven't synced yet. hah But instead of leaving you in the dark here's what I can muster.
Last minute I decided to take the kids to church camp for the week and looking back, I'm crazy! But also, it was so worth it. I went with a steeled mind, and expectant and hopeful that God would meet me there. I only made it to three sessions but I only needed one. He nudged me to pack up three kids for a whole week, take a 6 hour road trip with a baby who doesn't like the car, and be away from Josh, so He could speak to me for one hour. But it was all He needed to unload on me a host of truths about me, my kids, my family, our trajectory. I'll save all that for a later date since I'm still unpacking it all myself but goodness gracious God knows!
Also, church camp people came through! There was not a meal that I had to take care of all three kids alone. Someone was always lending a helping hand, and wanting to hold Abby. She was practically the camp mascot, that baby was so loved on. C O M M U N I T Y. It's why we moved home and what a blessing it has been to be immersed in people.
Here are the only photos that have loaded.
It wasn't easier, per se, being away from home, but the change of pace was nice. And a special thanks to the people who made the week easier. Mom and dad. Todd and Jason. Aimee, Dawn, and Mifumi. Deep gratitude to each of you.