God has been nudging me for months (maybe years but was I listening?) but I could not figure out what He was nudging me towards. But there has been a palpable sense that I am missing something for myself and my children. Remember I spoke of that podcast by Christine Caine? And other proddings.
One of the things I was convicted about at camp was reading the Word. Like, every. single. day. And not just being familiar with it, but having an intimate understanding of scripture. I suppose it had become boring for me so I set really reading it aside. But during one of the sessions, the pastor reminded me that 90% of the time, you will not receive anything from your time in the bible. There is a common misconception that you read the bible to dissect what it is trying to say. But we have forgotten that the bible is not just another book. The Word of God is active, and living, and sharper than a two edge sword. You don't dissect the scripture, the scripture dissects you. The Holy Spirit will speak to you. But if you want Him to speak to you, you must put in the work. He is asking of me obedience and diligence.
So I began to read (using the app, Read Scripture). And I asked a few of my friends to join me because I want that accountability. I want someone to ask me eight months from now if I read my bible that day. And I want to say, yes I did!
And would you believe it, I'm hooked. I've been a Christian almost my entire life and I have never felt so excited to read the Word of God every day. I've had a revival in my heart. And truth is, I feel like we are on the cusp a revival in my community.
All the desires of my heart for my children and my family and my ministry have become crystal clear. What is important has risen to the surface and what isn't important has fallen to the way side.
For the Lord is righteous.
He loves righteous deeds.
the upright will behold his face.
Psalm 11
I used to hesitate in making bold declarations here for fear the post wouldn't age well. Would it still be relevant in years to come? But I am resolute. I knew, before I left camp that I was changed. My hand is stretched before me, steady. My heart strong. My soul decided. My eyes bright.
God is doing something new.
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