Although I am in full blown Christmas mode, my heart will always pause for Thanksgiving. One of my favorite family traditions happens on Thanksgiving and historically, my favorite day of the year is the next day.
Yesterday at church was just the most Holy Spirit filled day. It was a service of Thanks and so many shared their thanks to God through the stories of their lives. The elderly mom, who after 15 years of prayer by her son, finally accepted Jesus into her heart. A woman plagued with depression her whole life, finally freed. A mom who suddenly lost her young son and now her other son with serious health problems. And on and on. Oh, what a great God we serve!
And personally, ever since my life changing summer, I have sensed that our church community was on the cusp of revival. Yesterday, a woman who came to church for the first time, said that after hearing the hearts of so many people declaring their thanks to Jesus, it was clear that we were in the midst of a revival. *jaw dropped I've always assumed a revival to look like a bunch of crying and confessing. Never thinking that revival could come quietly like a soft wind. But once she said that I knew it was true. Here we have been, all trying to be faithful, and like a quiet wind, the Holy Spirit has been breathing life into the people.
All heavens declare the glory of the King. And all peoples on earth shall bow before Him.
So my thanks is this, that Jesus is alive and moving mightily in my family and in my community.
Happy Thanksgiving my friends.
"If you seek Him, you will find Him if you seek Him with your whole heart." Deuteronomy 4:29
"Let us not grow weary in doing good for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up." Galations 6:9
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