We are in the middle of a series about vision at our church. All of it is good, backbone building information, but when it comes down to it, our vision must be the face of the Lord.
The sum of our lives rests on whether or not our face is ever towards the Lord.
We work so hard to cultivate a specific image, but what is made by us, must be sustained by us, and will eventually consume us.
We strive so hard to gather our reputation and status among men but what is made by men, must be sustained by men, and will fall at the hands of men.
But what is produced by God, through us, is eternal. When we are just seeking Him, we don't have to worry about what is produced from our lives.
Nate Saint, the martyred missionary pilot from Equador, wrote about this very thing. For years he dreamed of becoming a pilot and worked to overcome many obstacles to achieve that dream. But there was one obstacle he could not overcome. Sometime later, after the dream had died, he was approached by a missions organization and asked to repair and fly planes for them. His biography said, "It was beginning to dawn on the young man who had so longed to be an army pilot that the very thing he had been compelled to sacrifice was being returned to him. He summarized his feelings in a letter home: "In 1944 the Lord called me from aviation to himself, and now He has sent me back to aviation for Himself."
We don't need to be missionaries to receive the same implications for our own lives.
King Hezekiah is a sobering lesson for us to keep near. Are we going to blow it for the next generation? Couple this with Isaiah 40 and Matthew 3:3. God asks for a shred of obedience in return for a tsunami of blessings. A shred of obedience! God promises to build blessings on the lives of those who love Him and obey Him. If we do our part for one generation, God will do His part for a thousand!
Isaiah 40:28 Do you not know? Have you not heard? The Lord is the everlasting God, the Creator of the whole earth. He never becomes faint or weary; there is no limit to His understanding. He gives strength to the faint and strengthens the powerless.
Jehovah Yahweh! I AM. Self Sufficient. Unchanging.
Everything we have eventually gets worn out, dies, turns to dust, but NOT GOD. He NEVER gets worn out, always strong, always alive, always present.
Eyes on God. And He will direct our path. He will be our vision. He will sustain us and produce good things through us.
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