Thursday, February 8, 2024

Church and Haggai

We recently had our annual society meeting at church where we cover the budget from the year previous and approve one for the current year. There was record giving for our little church last year and, while money isn’t everything, it usually is an indication that something good is happening. 

I was reminded of the book of Haggai when God announced, “The final glory of this house will be greater than the first.” 2:9 He was talking about His temple that was in ruins in the city. The temple had been destroyed when the Israelites were conquered and exiled by an enemy. But eventually the Israelites were allowed to return to their homeland, and it was time to rebuild God’s house.

The final glory of this house will be greater than the first.”I really hope that the glory from our church is greater still to come.

But the promise also comes with a warning. God saw that His people were busy rebuilding their own lives while his house stood in shambles. “…My house still lies in ruins, while each of you is busy with his own house.” 1:9 So on your account I have summoned a drought on all that your hands produce. 1:10-11

God warns: “Think carefully about your ways.” 1:7 because “The silver and gold belong to me.” 2:8

People often talk about serving in the church. And in a small church, it’s all hands-on deck or else it doesn’t happen. Burnout is common. Josh and I have felt this tension as well - trying to faithfully tend to our own house while also serving God’s house. And yes, to finding a balance, but this was a three-fold reminder to me. 

1. God is calling us to build His house.

2. The effort given to God’s house has not been in vain. 

3. Woe to us who’s primary focus is building our own stuff. 

And the reward that comes to those who have the order right?  “I will provide peace in this place.” 2:9 

Lord, may it be so in my family AND in our church. 

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