Before a week ago I would have told you how great I have felt throughout this pregnancy. But that was a week ago.
At my doctor's appointment last week I failed the routine gestational diabetes test. I'm not exaggerating. When my doctor called he actually said the words, "You failed the gestational diabetes test." I know it's not the end of the world but I shed a tear or two. I also learned at that appointment that my iron was low.
So I scheduled the much more intense
glucose tolerance test, picked up another pill to add to my daily popping tally of 10, and we immediately changed my diet to salads and more healthy things.
A few days later I started feeling funny. I had some cramping in my lower abdomen and a general heaviness to my belly. It was hard to walk and lying down didn't seem to help much either. I hadn't pooped in 3 days but I hadn't eaten normal either.
I called my doctor and he told me to stop taking the iron. So I did that, completed the glucose tolerance test, and went home to ride it out. Later that night I still wasn't feeling well when I felt a burning sensation come and go every couple of minutes. I was pretty sure it was a
UTI or something like it. It was around 10:30pm and Josh, out of concern for the baby, decided we should go in.
UCLA Ronald Reagan was closest so we drove over there and were admitted to Labor and Delivery. They did an ultrasound to make sure the little bambino was safe (which she was) and took a urine sample. When the results came back they said it was not a UTI and that there was nothing they could do for me.
By this time is was 2:30am. We were tired. I was in pain. And we were leaving with nothing.
We crawled into bed around 3:00am. Josh called out sick this morning and we scheduled an appointment to see my OB. As soon as he looked over the urine sample results from UCLA he said it was obvious I had a bladder infection. He showed us their results that clearly showed blood in my urine. He was frustrated with them and to be honest so were we. He said this isn't the first time UCLA, Westwood has overlooked a simple diagnosis.
He checked to make sure my cervix hadn't gone into pre-term labor (which it hadn't), took another urine sample, and gave me a prescription. He also informed us that I had barely passed the glucose tolerance test so although I do not officially have gestational diabetes, I need to lay off the carbs and anything with sugar.
Phew! Gestational diabetes testing, constipation, low iron,
and a bladder infection?
We are home now. Both of us are tired but mostly relieved. I should feel more like my old self tomorrow. I am thankful for Dr. Phillips and mostly for Josh, whose concern and care for me and baby girl cannot be rivaled.
Ladies, please make sure you marry a man who would do the same for you. They are a needle in a haystack.
And with that story, I'm off to bed. Sweet dreams my friends. I'll see you tomorrow...with something that has brought me joy while I've been down. :)