Thursday, January 24, 2013

The Rug Dilemna

I kinda lied when I said I didn't have any resolutions for this year. January 1st I looked at Josh and said (in my most determined voice) "We are buying a rug and a coffee table this year."

In May we'll have lived in our apartment for almost 2 years and when I come home I still find the living room wanting. 

I have two problems with buying a rug: 1. They are ridiculously expensive 2. committing to a rug is like deciding on which college to go to, you're stuck with it for a long time and it affects all your other decisions. 

Maybe you can help us. This is our couch. And this is our side table (find of a century btw!). I lean towards graphic prints, warm modern, and want the place to feel refreshing and homey. 

And these are the rugs that I have been eyeing:

Rug 123456, and 7

Update: Josh has vetoed #3. :)

Let me lend your eyes! Which do you like?


  1. My vote is for #4 (the link wasn't working, but it's the striped one. I'm with Josh on #3. Happy Rug Hunting!

  2. I really Like 4 and 6! I think 6 is my favorite though.

  3. Good job on #3 Josh! #6 is kinda southwesty... I like #1 but I think you could get tired of the color and #2 is nice but i think my fav is #4. Endless possibilities with that one.
