Sunday, April 25, 2010

Authentic Worship

We didn't have a drummer today during second service. He had a middle high airsoft birthday party. :p But praise without drums can be rough so right before we started I eyed a handheld percussion and scanned the congregation for anyone who might be able to hold a steady beat during the music (welcome to small church 101). I landed on my mom. Now, if you didn't know, my mom is quite musical. She grew up singing with her family and can harmonize in several ways. So I motioned to her to see if she would come and play.

Well, in my split second decision I failed to take into account 2 things: 1. She oftentimes gets quite emotionally involved in worship - so holding a steady beat wasn't an ideal situation for her, and 2. She's a freebird, which means along with trying to hold a beat AND remember the words to the songs she was also harmonizing at the top of her lungs, dancing, rejoicing, yelling, and just plain ole worshipping Jesus in the most authentic way only she can.

I realized this halfway during the 1st song and couldn't help but laugh and smile. I mean, seriously I wasn't able to lead the song. All attempts to gain composure were lost when I accidently made eye contact with A - we both died. She knew what I knew. We both knew.

Can you see the two small fists raised behind Jenna and next to Eric (the ones holding the tambourine and not playing it)? that's her. :)

My mom has been the one to teach me about authentic worship. Even when I was growing up, it didn't matter who was around or where we were - if she felt the presence of the Lord in song - she would whoop it up. Although I kid here, I thank her for instilling in me the freedom to lead without restraint and in total abandon to my King.

Oh yea! And just in case you needed to see the proof of THIS. I love it!!!!!!! Rock on girl.

(Thanks to Special K for the pic)

Thursday, April 1, 2010

In Celebration of a Life Well Lived

Last night Linda went to be with the Lord. She was at home, surrounded by family, friends, and Richard.

And even though it hurts like crazy, there is a peace that invades my heart. Even the hospice nurse noticed. Yesterday she said there was something different about this family than many she has seen before. She attributed it to a deep faith in the Lord. Yes, it's painful to lose Linda - but there is an everlasting knowledge that she is with her mom and Judy, celebrating being with Jesus in Heaven. I told A that I bet she's naming all the prophets and disciples as they walk by - and meeting the people from the Word who's lives gave her conviction and purpose.

But still I know it can be hard. This helped me, maybe it can help you too.
"Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have summoned you by name; you are mine. When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned; the flames will not set you ablaze. For I am the Lord, your God, the Holy One of Israel, your Savior" Isaiah 43: 1-3