Friday, November 29, 2019

A Thankful Thanksgiving

We hosted Thanksgiving this year in the new house! Josh and I are so relieved to be settled and thrilled to be creating new memories. We had a packed house in our little abode. Originally we were planning on eating on the deck with heaters and tea lights ... and then it rained so we squished in, but actually, it felt pretty good in there. 

My favorite tradition of the year - sharing what we are thankful for. Brings tears to my eyes every year.

The best picture of the night ~ with my little loves peaking out of the playroom. =)

And then today, my favorite day of the year, Christmas officially came!

This Sunday we begin advent at our church. Each week in December someone shares about the goodness of God in light of the birth of Christ, and this Sunday, my brother in law is speaking. He's had quite a year and if you want to hear about it, please come and join us

Monday, November 25, 2019

Like A Soft, Quiet Wind

Although I am in full blown Christmas mode, my heart will always pause for Thanksgiving. One of my favorite family traditions happens on Thanksgiving and historically, my favorite day of the year is the next day.

Yesterday at church was just the most Holy Spirit filled day. It was a service of Thanks and so many shared their thanks to God through the stories of their lives. The elderly mom, who after 15 years of prayer by her son, finally accepted Jesus into her heart. A woman plagued with depression her whole life, finally freed. A mom who suddenly lost her young son and now her other son with serious health problems. And on and on. Oh, what a great God we serve!

And personally, ever since my life changing summer, I have sensed that our church community was on the cusp of revival. Yesterday, a woman who came to church for the first time, said that after hearing the hearts of so many people declaring their thanks to Jesus, it was clear that we were in the midst of a revival. *jaw dropped  I've always assumed a revival to look like a bunch of crying and confessing. Never thinking that revival could come quietly like a soft wind. But once she said that I knew it was true. Here we have been, all trying to be faithful, and like a quiet wind, the Holy Spirit has been breathing life into the people.

All heavens declare the glory of the King. And all peoples on earth shall bow before Him.

So my thanks is this, that Jesus is alive and moving mightily in my family and in my community.
Happy Thanksgiving my friends.

"If you seek Him, you will find Him if you seek Him with your whole heart." Deuteronomy 4:29

"Let us not grow weary in doing good for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up." Galations 6:9

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Up until this year I have been a stanch supporter of no Christmas until after Thanksgiving but for no rhyme or reason I've done a full reversal and I'm not mad about it. Herein lies proof that people can change.

We took pictures for our Christmas card last weekend and as always, corralling children, perfect position, best smiles, all at the same time.. my most favorite day of the year.

Grateful for the people God has gifted me with, bad moods, open mouths, wayward hair included.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Some of you may have heard that I started helping out at our church for a little bit. We recently lost our worship director so I'll be doing that part time for the next three months or so while they look for a permanent replacement. 

While it's only part time, it's been a learning curve trying to fit everything in - be everything for everyone and I realized very quickly that I can't be that very thing. So Josh and I are trying different ways and seeing what works best for our family. But I believe that God has shaped my path this year for this exact purpose. The timing of it all coming to be is actually pretty miraculous - how he worked this out, eased that, softened that spirit. 

Truth is, I'm just trying to be obedient to what He wants of me. The whole new testament is simply God asking his people to be obedient and the results of whether or not they obeyed! The consequences if they didn't were so heavy, and the reward if they did, beyond compare. I'm believing that the reward for me being obedient (in this and all the other ways) will be beyond compare for my family, my children. 

Am I tired? yes. Am I discouraged at times? yes. Am I encouraged? yes. Do I see the Holy Spirit moving in our church community? yes. 

So I am resolute. 

God's commands and promises do not compete with one another so if He has called me to this, my family will not suffer, my marriage will not take a backseat, our relationships with others will strengthen. And truly, who knows what else is in store because God's way is certainly "immeasurably more that we could ask or imagine". 

But let all who take refuge in you be glad;
let them ever sing for joy.
spread your protection over them,
that those who love your name may rejoice in you.
For surely, O Lord, you bless the righteous;
you surround them with your favor as with a shield.
Psalm 5

Friday, November 1, 2019

A Pokemon Halloween

I should be reading to Abby. Instead I'm here with you! lol But after four fire days (no school) this mama needs a littttle break. =p

 Last night we walked the neighborhood with family and friends for Halloween and it was good. The kids wanted to be Pokemon this year and for those of you unfamiliar with that, the kids are (L to R) Mega Blastoise, Sylveon, and Chansey.

Each year Sharon (gma) and Luke (uncle) design and make the kid's costumes. Every year I'm always floored by their creativity. 

Annual trick or treating with the family commences!

Abby's first Halloween! Girl nailed it. =)

A heartfelt thank you to the Dream Team for inspiring their imaginations and loving them so deeply.

Funny, I'm still in it and already feeling nostalgic. Cherishing these days.