Monday, October 4, 2021

A Way in the Wilderness

 My Auntie Trish (mom's younger sister) went to be with the Lord last week. After two long months, they finally took her off the ventilator and she peacefully passed thereafter.

She was one who didn't believe in the vaccine. I don't say that with malice, but with great sorrow. There's a different ache when the loss could have been avoided. Propaganda and politics prey most on the weak, doesn't it? 

I recently began a study of the book of Matthew with BSF (Bible Study Fellowship). I read somewhere (and it stuck with me) how much wilderness there is in the first few chapters of Matthew - Joseph, Mary, Jesus, the boys slaughtered at the hands of Herod, the Magi. Real tragedy for real people.

Sorrow also feels like one big wilderness. 

It reminds me of Hagar, right in the beginning of time. There, after the fall of man, an actual wilderness coupled with real sorrow. And God, being omnipotent, gave her an actual well of the middle of the wilderness! God didn't take her out of the wilderness, but He provided for her while she was in it

Yes, we are consoled that my Auntie Trish is, right at this moment, restored, safe, accepted, and free. There is nothing like eternal hope. And for us, still mourning here on earth? There is the great promise that He "will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert" and not only that but God also promises that He is even "doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it?" 

A way in the wilderness. 

The storm is the promise. 

This is what I hold to today.