Friday, January 13, 2023

Photos of Cards

 Well, it's that's time of year, where I send Josh photos of cards I find in the stores. 😂 My top three so far.

The beginning of January is busy for us because the Uyeda boys all celebrate a birthday - Sharon made one of Josh's most favorite cookies, homemade cards were distributed. Emerson finally got to give Landon the gift she bought with her own money from the Target dollar section. My friend Grace helped me pull off a birthday gift surprise. We had a few of Landon's friends over for a playdate. Simple. Good. Loved.

Thank you God for the gift of these three. 

Saturday, January 7, 2023

Finding the Sacred in the Normal

I found my favorite photo of 2022. Messy house, messy me, kids, cold coffee, and God.

"In the wild adventure of this walk with God normal is His holy. It is in these normal places and spaces that God does His deepest work. Our mountaintops with God cast vision and give us foresight but in between those mountains are the little steps that make such a vision real. Real is where holy people are born. Normal days, normal marriages, normal jobs. The people who live for high points will never have the strength to sustain them because they don't do the faithful work in between. 

I believe to the marrow of my bones that these normal days are sacred. What doesn't feel like Eucharist does not diminish the presence of God, who is always at work to will and act in order to fulfill his good purpose (Phil 2:13). This means that every act of every day can be done in view of His goodness (to His glory). 

This is where sanctification - the molding of my heart to His - happens best." - Phylicia Masonheimer

My only resolve for 2023? More of this. 

Tuesday, January 3, 2023

Joy in December

We intentionally paired down December this year and I really loved it! and I think I wasn't a terrible person to my family! #win. Some of our family highlights:

Ice skating!

Visiting our favorite house in our neighborhood with all of their blow up Christmas decorations.

Emerson made personalized mini clay gifts for people as Christmas gifts. 14 in all! This is is the first time a kid of ours has given their own gifts. I adored how much thought she put into it. For my shopping loving sister she made a full Target bag, and her fishing loving grandpa got a bait box and a fishing pole with a fish on the line. 

Emerson and the story of how the violin came to be. Will do a separate post on that one. 

Those who came out for Aimee's last minute birthday celebration and hearing how God has shown up in people's lives

Abby convincing herself and her teacher it was her birthday on the last day of school and receiving a pic of her with the birthday crown and celebration.

Taking a girl's trip to Charleston!

Laughter and fun at Miyabe Christmas 

Caroling to our church seniors!

Worship at church in December - usually not my favorite but this year I stumbled upon Nicole Binion's making room spontaneous. It set the tone for us at church and sheesh it was fireee. Thank you Lord!

Christmas decorations in our home brought me so much joy. lol

Candlelight service

Sunday, January 1, 2023

Happy New Year!

Today is my favorite meal of the year. My MIL prepares a Japanese feast in celebration of the new year and it. is. something. else.  I look forward to her Ozoni (Japanese New Year soup) every year. 

This year Christmas Day and New Year's Day fell on a Sunday! And while that may have disrupted the normal celebrations, I enjoyed worshipping on Christmas Day and ushering in the New Year in the same posture of praise. 

God's faithfulness and righteousness were intricately weaved through the stories in our family this year - through Josh and I and also through the kids. I am so grateful. One of the ways that God brought me to a deeper understanding of Him is through my discovery of theologian Phylicia Masonheimer. She has a podcast called Verity that has taught me so much about the Bible, about the heart of God, and what our heart towards God should be. It's like being able to take theology classes without having to actually take the class. 

We had part of the cousin crew over for sleepovers the other night and we read through 1 Samuel 7:3-17 that talked about the terrible predicament the Israelites were in before they went to battle against the Philistines. Samuel told the people, IF you direct your heart to God and serve Him only, I will give you this victory. And they did and so He did. After they won the battle Samuel set up an altar using stones and called it Ebenezer (the Lord has helped us) as a reminder to them of how God was faithful. 

So we used some rocks from our yard and built our own Ebenezer altar. Each of them taking a rock and sharing how God had been faithful to them this past year. I cried listening to their hearts. One of my Loves had a prayer that they have yet to see how God will be faithful in it so we set it on the side until we have seen that answered prayer. 

My own Ebenezer Stone is seeing my most Treasured Gifts turn their hearts to God, and to see His faithfulness in their lives. 

I don't know what this year will bring - surely the good and also the hard, but I do know that I am committed to walking with God through all of the things. My pursuit of Him is my worship, my constant pouring of oil on the feet of Jesus. 

May your pursuit of Jesus be at the forefront of your life this year too. Remember,  He works all things for your good and His glory. Happy New Year!