Sunday, September 27, 2009


Many of you have heard the joyous news of the impending marriage of Linda Isbister and Richard Flach. To say we are excited is quite an understatement. Here's a recap on some of the best moments to date:

1. The News
I was late to bible study about a month ago. I decided to stop in anyway to say hi to everyone. It was truly divine intervention that made me stop by. It was over by the time I got there but Linda called me into the old library for an announcement. My heart dropped because, well with the cancer and all, you never know what news is to come. When she told me that Richard had asked her to marry him I screamed and then I cried. Yes, I actually screamed and yes, I actually cried after.

What people don't realize is that Linda has been asking God to provide her with a husband for over 30 years. Her heart's desire has been to love and be loved by a man. She has never been unconditionally romantically loved by a man. She has struggled with loneliness and self-worth. She has never been truly appreciated by a man for her outward and inward beauty, her spiritual gifts, her gentleness, her devotion to Jesus, and her heart for people.

God has promised to take care of those who love Him, and to provide them with the desires of their heart. Linda has an incurable cancer in the later stages of her life, and yet God chose this time to answer her prayers. I know that God heard her aching heart and knew just the man for her.

2. The Dress
Last Saturday, on a whim mom, linda, Aimee, Melissa, and I decided to head to David's Bridal in Torrance to see what's out there. When we walked in a few people in the entrance had the look of shock on their faces when she was the one to sit down and fill out the bridal paper work. Linda hasn't been treated very well by people, and although she didn't see them, Aimee and I did.

All of our fears washed away when we met, Lucy, our bridal consultant. She took one look at Linda and joyously took her under her wing. Linda was not only worried that they wouldn't have anything in her size, but she was concerned that people would think it was silly that someone of her age would be shopping for a wedding dress. Lucy, in her own unique way, gave Linda permission to enjoy the experience. She was amazing.

She tried on three dresses. By the time she was putting on her third dress, the entire shop knew Linda's story. No, this was not an anniversary party. Yes, this is her first marriage. Yes, she has cancer. The best part is that all the other brides there, and all their parties were so excited for Linda. Everyone, including the other consultants were rooting for her. And when she came out in the third dress we knew it was "the One".

I can't really explain the moment that happened right then. But Linda looked in the mirror and was silent for ten minutes. She just kept looking at herself. I asked her if she was okay and she said to me, in a way that was so in awe of what she saw, "I really do look beautiful, don't I?" She could barely believe it. It broke my heart. It was like she had never believed that she was that gorgeous until that moment.

Afterwards we celebrated at Coffee Bean and then headed to Henry and Betty's to show them the dress. We put everything on again and Betty did her hair and make up. Henry said later that watching Linda he realized it was the first time she has ever felt like she was worth it. And because of that gentle heart, Henry treated all of us to dinner, and celebrate we did!

Linda later told me that Saturday was one of the best days of her life. Nobody made fun of her - strangers were rejoicing with her, and she got to experience something she never thought she would ever get a chance to do.

I feel so lucky that I was privy to that moment. I praise God and thank Him for not only fulfilling the deepest desire of her heart - but for allowing her to feel whole as a beautiful woman of God.

3. Richard
There could not be a better match for Linda than Richard. He was scheduled to come visit Thanksgiving weekend, but that 'ole fool couldn't wait that long and surprised Linda by flying in last weekend. Aimee and I took Linda to pick him up at the airport and the first thing he did was give her a smack on the lips and a huge hug. Those big Texans! While we waited for his plane to arrive, Linda was so so nervous. We were sitting down by the exit doors and by the time he had arrived she had found herself standing by the entrance doors! :)

Richard lost his wife earlier this year. Linda and his wife, Judy, were best friends for a long time. Before Linda moved out here she lived with Richard and Judy for many years. Richard says that he has always had a brotherly love for Linda. But about a month ago he was talking with Linda on the phone and the Holy Spirit spoke to him and told him he loved Linda in a different way. And boy has he embraced that calling! The amount of declarations of love and cute nicknames I heard while he was here was sickening!! =) haha!

I know this is a long post - and I'm sorry as I know they can be cumbersome to read. But as the months leading to the wedding come upon us, I know I will have many more stories to add about Linda and Richard. Growing up in the church, I have seen many people fall in love and many people get married. But, by far, this is the greatest wedding I have ever witnessed because it is a story of hope, of faith, of God's provisions, and his ultimate care of those devoted to His glory.

So stay tuned!

oh yes, and P.S. I'm a bridesmaid!! woo hoo!

Our Celebration of 3.

This past Thursday was September 24th. According to the calendar, there is nothing significant about this day, but in my small world there is - Josh and I hit our three years of being "Josh and J".

The very first post for this blog was a nod to Josh and our one-year dating anniversary. As I re-read that blog I was struck with where we were then and the path we have taken till now. We are the same people, yet we are not the same. We've had our first fight...and a few to follow since then, we've cried together, laughed together, rolled our eyes at one another, and have learned to appreciate what the other appreciates. We have been through death and life, we have comforted and supported. We have gained weight and lost weight. We have exposed the side of us that we don't show to people - and yet in all that we still remain "Josh and J".

I often hear seasoned marrieds say that their love for the other person has changed, and yet deepened beyond what anyone could have imagined. I know Josh and I haven't even begun to experience that joy but I do know that I appreciate more today who he is as a person than I ever have before.

At Davey's wedding this past weekend, my cousin Stephen gave a phenomenal best man speech. One thing he shared that he has been learning in his married life is you can either give life to your spouse or take it from them. And as Josh has given me life, I too hope that he can say I have done the same for him.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Fresh Wind, Fresh Fire

God is stirring something within me.

On the way to Kauai, Aimee was reading a book that kept making her tear up. She blazed through it so fast by an hour into our flight she handed it to me and said it was a must read. On the way home I opened it up - and it's changing my life. Not in the big, huge so obvious type of change - but the kind of change that starts from the inside and hopefully radiates out.

Jim Cymbala, pastor of the Brooklyn Tabernacle, wrote "Fresh Wind, Fresh Fire" to give a testimony to what God has been doing in his church and community. The Holy Spirit preached to me through his words.

This is what stuck out to me most(the following is mostly in quotes):
When we get serious about drawing on God's power, remarkable things will happen. Even if we grow listless and lukewarm, still Christ says to his followers: "Here I am, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice & opens the door, I will come and eat with him, and He with me. He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches" -Rev. 3:20-22

Although this message was addressed to the Laodicean Christians, whom Jesus had just finished scolding, for he was grieved by their lethargy - yet he still offered his renewing love and power. He always forgives.

It seems like what we are dealing with today is a lack of dependence on God's power. In revelation, the churches were mainly scolded for their lack of spiritual vitality, fervency and closeness to the Lord. I am in favor, as were the Apostles, of asking God to stretch out his hand and manifest himself.

The Apostles prayer for the church in the book of Acts says, "Enable your servants to speak your word with great boldness!"

2 Timothy 1:7 "For God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, of love, and of self-discipline."

We just started The Apostle Project - an experiment of 12 people who are striving to be bold in their faith within their communities. The purpose is to change the way we're living so it focused not on what we have to do - but the people God puts in our lives as we do those things. We are reshaping our vision to be Kingdom focused. I can see now that it takes much more than a change in cultural norms, it takes the work of the Holy Spirit - and we get that through prayer. I am asking the Lord to discipline my prayer life and to reshape the desires of my heart. For I am restless to do more for Christ. And I now know that this is the answer.

Go Apostles go. I am praying!