Monday, March 11, 2024

Sunday's Set March 10

A lot of factors go into putting together a worship set for Sunday service - the message, the tempo, the instruments we have and the people we are serving with, the songs the congregation are familiar with, what our community is going through, and always a song that adores Him with no "I' in it, something that gives glory for who He is alone. 

Another aspect that drives me is how God is speaking to me during the week prior in my time with Him. What music has God used to move me personally closer to Him? Using where I am at and what is ministering to me has shifted Sunday from being more of a performance and leading to just my intimate offering to Him - in front of others. Authentic. Heartfelt. Inviting others into my private space with God. 

Anyway, I thought it might be interesting to, every so often, explain the reasoning behind the sets that are presented on Sunday. Sometimes we share why we have put songs together and sometimes we don't. 

This was the context for our music choices:

The night Jesus was betrayed by Judas, the soldiers came to arrest him. And Peter, in defense of his Father, drew his sword and cut the ear off of a soldier. John 18:10

Jesus healed the ear and then told Peter, “put your sword away! Am I not to drink the cup the Father has given me?” The cup he was talking about was the cup of God’s wrath. When Jesus died, the cup of wrath we were all supposed to drink for our sins was, in a moment, exchanged for the cup of salvation. 

The cup of God’s wrath for the cup of salvation! Meaning you and I no longer have to face the judgment we deserve. Our future is dependent, not on our lack of holiness, but on the perfect holiness of God. 

Psalm 116 

How can I repay the Lord for all the good He has done for me? I will take the cup of salvation and call on the Name of the Lord

What battles are we trying to fight with human methods and strength (like Peter did in the garden) rather than relinquishing it to the Father? Lord, forgive us for trying to take on a spiritual battle with a human weapon. 

This morning let’s divert the effort and energy given to that battle and instead put it in a more useful place - we call on the name of the Lord. 

The Set 


I Speak Jesus

Do it Again 

The Steadfast Love of the Lord