Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Try, Try, And Try, Again

I saw a post recently that talked about all the emotions moms experience throughout the week while staying at home -  determined, defeated, excited, content, depressed, exhausted, proud, thankful, frustrated, helpless. This is me, except I go through all those feelings in one day.

Currently, tired. lol

When this whole thing started I was determined that my relationship with my kids would be better off at the end. That was the number one priority. Not school. Not food. Not a clean house. Not forward advancement of any kind.

Some days I succeed and some days I don't. Everything isn't fairies and happy ending's friends. It's okay to fail sometimes. Emerson recently decided she wanted to be an Inventor when she grows up. A job that must learn how to push on through failure. Try, try, and try again, and just maybe something spectacular will be found.

So here I am, refusing to give in and give up. Try, try, and try again in the hopes that something spectacular will be found in us. In them. In me.