Tuesday, October 22, 2013

When Cole (fill in the blank).

Happy Anniversary to Blane and Aimee. This year held different kinds of milestones for them compared with last years epic checkoff list. Like, when Cole started sleeping through the night, when Cole moved to his crib, when Cole started on a bottle, when Cole graduated to 2,3,4, and 5 diapers, when Cole started to crawl, when Cole (fill in the blank).

It was less about them and more about what they do for Babycakes but then that in its own right is about them.

They are a fascinating couple, really. I studied Psych and Social Behavior in college and how Bil and A relate to one another and handle all the people in their lives is a case study of its own. When they first started dating I was adamantly against it (another story for another time) and now I cannot imagine life without those two.

These two pictures sum them up to me.

By default they are always part of my blog and so even if you don't know them, don't you feel like you do? If you're curious, pics from their wedding and my recap of their big day.

Happy Anniversary!

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