Josh and I are trying to get our house in order in preparation for The Little. We've been learning about things like wills, power of attorney, trusts, life insurance, etc. It's not that hard since we don't have that many assets but the process is a bit... unsettling. You have to really think through who you want your children to be raised by in the event you both pass away, and then have backups for those people in case they die. And then also thinking about my life with the Little should we lose Josh. It's almost too unbearable to contemplate.
So I've been unsettled in my heart these past few days thinking of the what if's and wondering if we made the right decisions for her.
Today's bible verse from my devotions reminded me who is in charge.
"He will have no fear of bad news; his heart is steadfast, trusting in the Lord." Psalm 112:7
My heart is steadfast. I trust in the Lord.
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