Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Meet Mary-Kate and Ashley

Last night Josh and I took an Infant CPR class. The facilitator was knowledgeable, experienced, and gave just the right amount of information without giving too much information. Plus, I liked the small class and the close proximity to our home.

Meet our babies, whom I aptly named Mary-Kate and Ashley, who were quite amiable to our poking, prodding, and breathing.

Please close your mouths, children.

We were given lots of information beyond infant CPR which was quite helpful. Things like why a landline is so important in an emergency, what to pack in a first aid kit, and how to save a choking baby. Did you know you never stop compressions to check for a pulse? Or just because someone vomits after a drowning doesn't mean they have started breathing once you've administered compressions?

We also did group drills where we were given a scenario and then we'd all have to respond with our babies at the same time. I must say, I got a little worked up trying to save baby Ashley.

In the end, although we feel much more prepared in the event of a lifeless infant - 8 years of age or a choking youngster, we hope to never have to administer these skills.

One more thing on the list, check!

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