My sister in law, Kylie, married her long time guy, Daniel, in an intimate affair a few weeks ago. They married here, a beautiful vineyard on the Russian River. We had the privilege to witness their union and participate in their celebration. Emerson was the flower girl and Landon carried a little sign.
When Josh and I began dating eleven years ago, Kylie was in the 9th grade so I've had the chance to watch her grow up in some ways. I've cheered her on at her high school graduation, rejoiced when she got her driver's license, stayed up late each year to watch her perform on tv at Merrie Monarch, attended her Odori recitals, did family vacations together, held my breath as she waited on college acceptances and fretted over classes ~ joined a sorority, began dating Daniel, graduated college, and got accepted into grad school.
Her and Josh are a lot alike. They carefully plan each step and analyze each situation. They are disciplined and dependable. They even like the same foods, drinks, and candies. Both are gentle and quiet. Both are self reliant. Both lean on their mom. And both are hard workers. Characteristics that are hard to come by and often under appreciated these days but characteristics that are important nonetheless.
It was a joy to see her take the step of all steps in marrying Daniel. They are a good balance together and I'm excited to get to know him even better over the years.
She doesn't know it, but I have been faithfully praying for her for many years. And now I get to include Daniel in that too.
Praying that they grow close to Jesus as they begin their life together.
// fancy photos taken by my bil, Luke, all others from my iPhone.