Thursday, November 30, 2017

Finding Neddie

My favorite day of the year came and went - the day after Thanksgiving! No shopping lines for us, instead we went and got our tree, pulled out all the decorations, and ate leftovers all day.  And although we didn't go cut down our own or anything remarkable (the exact opposite, Home Depot actually hah) but it was still special. Christmas through the eyes of a child is magical.

I pared down our decorations this year. but it's still festive. The first time Landon saw the lights he just stared and stared. We put a little tree up in E's room and she just loves that she has her own tiny one.

Josh and I decided to be more intentional with our time and energy this Christmas. In the How We Love class our teacher, Nancy Nojima, was talking about the holidays and about being okay with not pleasing everyone and saying no for the sake of doing it all better. So Josh and I went through Christmas and made some edits. I'm really making an effort to be a better mom and wife through this season - less anxiety and more laughter. Although there are some stressors that I can't just delete (like finding/buying presents GAHHHHH SAVE ME FROM THIS SOMEONE). The worst.

Also, I hope Emerson doesn't remember that she asked Santa for a sled. A SLED. Girl, we live in Southern California! Someone please explain this to my 3 year old.

Christmas is here!

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