Friday, November 17, 2017


How was my last post about October and suddenly I'm talking Thanksgiving? 

Each day this month we've been writing down what we are thankful for. It's become the highlight of my day. Landon invariably is always thankful for Nana (grandma) and Oooh (Uncle Luke) but when we push him a little farther, he has said his hat (for when it's hot), his Luigi costume that he gives a cup of water to each day, and other hilarious things. Emerson too - she's been thankful for her Hanna tags (the ones in the shirts, she likes to hold them) and for chasing daddy when he comes home from work. I want to remember all these things and hold them close to my heart. 

Some other things for my (very) public diary. 

Landon, and how he always plays with my hair when I'm holding him.

The two of them together

All the goodness of him. His silliness, his loud singing, his need to hold little things, his kindness, his comprehension, his happiness.

 Emerson at school and her best friend Evelyn.

The Thanksgiving feast at school and how her class was so disheveled and the other class so orderly and quiet. lol

Hydrating Luigi

If you'd compare me to me last year, I'd say there's more tv, less food from scratch, and more dirty dishes, but the flip side, I'm more relaxed and forgiving of the day going ons. Basically being an average mom has made me a better person. lol And you know what? They are more relaxed too. And forgiving. And happy. 

Love the intentionality of the season and the special way we've been able to cultivate a heart of thanks now that they're a bit older.

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