Last week I had surgery to release my frozen shoulder. At my consultation the surgeon was so confident about the procedure and the outcome. He said I'd have full range of motion by the next day with minimal recovery. Note to self, and to you, never trust a surgeon. BUT our moms came through in the crunch. Our consummate support professionals.
Emerson keeping me company and just catching me up on her day.
Anyway, each day I've gotten some strength back in my shoulder/arm. The range of motion will be a process but I'm excited to move forward.
Alas, life doesn't stop just because you do. We dedicated Landon, excavation began, we laughed - loud belly aching laughs (pre surgery) with dear friends, PT, school parties, Noe's lavish birthday tea party, and so on.
Life is good even when it's hard.
Also, these girls have been there from the beginning and will probably be there till the end too. WHY AM I EMOTIONAL ABOUT THIS PHOTO.
And this is off topic but let me leave your heart with this as you close out your weekend and begin a new week. Maybe it will speak to one of you, as it did to me.
"We betray who we really are in what we allow our tongues to speak; it's not enough just to control our words - we have to examine our hearts because 'out of the overflow of the heart, the mouth speaks.' So owning our words begins with governing our hearts, and governing our hearts requires humility. And humility, when it overflows is a beautiful thing.' - gracelaced
May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing to you Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer. Psalm 19:14
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