Wednesday, November 27, 2013


A DIY placemat seen on Hither Thither

I read someone's post on facebook the other day basically asking others to temper their joy during these times in consideration of others who are going through a hard time. I took pause with that because yeah, I get it, but at the same time there seems to be something fundamentally wrong with approaching it that way.

Devos said this today:

A thankful attitude opens windows of heaven. Moreover as you look up with a grateful heart, you get glimpses of Glory through those windows. You cannot yet live in heaven but you can experience foretastes of your ultimate home. A thankful mindset does not entail denial of reality with its plethora of problems. Instead, it rejoices in Me, your Savior, in the midst of trials and tribulations. I am your refuge and strength, an ever present and well proved help in trouble. 

May you have a wonderful Thanksgiving, filled with thanks and hope, as we look upward to the Father.

/ / And some reading for those of you with no school or work. :) Be safe! / /

The Real Story of the First Thanksgiving

A Complete Traditional Thanksgiving Meal + Recipes

All Hail The Sweet Potato

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Zara Mini

Zara Mini is ... is ... well, see for yourself. I die.

This is one of those times I wish I had a sponsored blog and corporations would pay me in goods to advertise in a post. I have visions of boxes and boxes of baby girl clothes arriving at my door. But alas, that is not the case, and this is just a true, unfiltered love for all things Zara. I heart Zara.

Monday, November 25, 2013

Jump Start to Thanksgiving

It's Thanksgiving Week!

You know the feeling that hits when you wake up on the first day of paid vacation with an outrageous trip about to commence? That is the joy I felt when I woke up this morning. Short work week for the Mr., two family Thanksgivings, a Christmas tree to buy, and an abundance of things to be thankful for.

How can I not be thankful the week of Thanksgiving?

It helped that this past weekend we went to our first Friendsgiving. It was so fun and for sure I will be doing this every year - and I recommend you do it too. :)

 Happy Hump Day or week off from school!

xoxo, J

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Scattered Brain Thursday

My mind will not sync right now. Here's what's rolling around up there...

1. Josh and I went to bed to the sound of rain. It was wonderful. I love it and never tire of it.

2. We had our young marrieds small group last night and a seasoned couple from church came and shared with us. I didn't know them that well but I left thinking we have new marriage role models. Wow. Josh and I talked late into the night about all that we had heard. I love those type of nights.

3. This is crooked. Why did I think mine was going to be straight?

4. Babycakes is on the verge of walking. I hope someone gets it on video.

5. I'm pretty sure I'm going to order some sort of this for the nursery. Beyond that, I've got nothing.

6. Names? Too permanent of a decision. Stuck. Any ideas?

Have a wonderful Thursday friends. :) Sorry for the scattered brain. I'm off to work. Be safe out there!

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

A Different Kind of Pregnancy Craving

Have you heard that I have a thing for baby blankets? And by "thing" I mean I can't get over it and I want them all. Always have. I had my own blankey till I was a whopping 28 and, truth be told, I would have kept him longer but I left him in Vegas.

I told Josh, "I have pregnancy cravings for them." He never ceases to laugh at me.

The fruits of my web stalking.

 * * * * * * * * *

Now that we know it's a she we can start planning the nursery. Anyone up for a trip to The Land of Nod? :p

Monday, November 18, 2013

Weekend Recap

It was a busy weekend that included church, praise team, tailgating, the game, harvest festival for the kid, and family.

Somehow in all that, I didn't take any pictures except for this one.

Josh, Luke, and I took the Metro to the tailgate on Saturday. Embarrassingly, all of our first time and surprisingly a really nice ride.

In other news, Josh is home sick today so I'm off to the grocery store to make this for the sickie.

10 days till Thanksgiving!

Friday, November 15, 2013

Friday Favorites

He'll always be my Babycakes.

/ / Web Finds / /

These Father/Son images are the best.

More side effects of parents refusing vaccinations.

I heart this Christmas gift wrap!

Would it be crazy to get a really large print for the nursery?

Also, I am a sucker for baby blankets. All kinds, I do not discriminate.

We are tailgating the USC v Stanford game this Saturday. What are you up to? Have a great weekend!

Thursday, November 14, 2013

It's a ...

GIRL. It's a girl!

During the ultrasound this morning the doctor was checking all of the baby's organs, healthy brain, 2 kidney's, 10 fingers, 10 toes, developed vertebrae, functioning stomach, strong heart, and so on. When he got to the private parts he said, "Well, I don't see anything, looks like it's a girl!" and then he moved on to the next organ. But while he moved on Josh and I had our own private moment, he squeezed my ankle and a tear sneaked its way down my cheek.

Truth be told, neither of us had a preference on gender. We are just over the moon that she's healthy and growing. I told Josh God's got a funny sense of humor giving him a girl. He's so protective and a worrier over me and now he's getting another girl. He's going to grey prematurely!

Josh and his two girls.

"Every good thing given and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, from whom there is no variation or shifting shadow. In the exercise of his will, he brought us forth by the word of truth, so that we would be a kind of first fruits among his creatures." James 1:17

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

The Bearded Lady

An excruciatingly embarrassing story to get you over hump day.

Last week I was brushing my teeth before going to bed when I noticed something in my reflection. I paused and I leaned forward with a quizzical look on my face. Then, in denial, I leaned forward again, hoping it wasn't real. I whispered out loud, "say it ain't so" before calling Josh to the bathroom in my typical frantic "JOSH!" way that no longer seems to elicit the same hurried concern it used to.

I seem to be growing ... facial hair. :/

There I said it. I cringe! Near my side burns there is an almost imperceivable fuzz on my face that I know was not there before. Josh, being the scientist that he is, was more intrigued than grossed out. In fact, this whole pregnancy is one giant case study for him. But, unlike him, I am disgusted! Where did my body go? Where did my normal face go?!

I had read that during pregnancy your hair turns lush and thick and wonderful. But nowhere had I read that you could also grow hair elsewhere. A quick google search confirmed that extra facial hair is in fact, a real symptom of pregnancy. The bad news, I have no idea if this is the extent of the growth (please let it stop, please). The good news, the unwanted hair is temporary and will disappear after the baby is born.

Can you imagine if it kept growing!?

God save me!

Since I've blogged about my distaste in people touching my stomach, a few brave souls thinking they deserve special privileges, have touched my stomach. The people who do it unknowingly, I cannot fault. But people who do it knowingly ... not cool.

Let me say this. Anyone, knowingly or unknowingly, who tries to rub the peach fuzz on my face will have to contend with one hormone induced pregnant woman.

Have a happy and (hopefully) hairless day. -_-

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

95,700 Miles of Memories

We sold my car yesterday. :(

She was the first car that I researched, searched for, saved a tiny down payment for, and made all of the monthly payments for. That last payment was a victory and she was worth every penny. Her and I and 95,700 miles together. She's been with me through three jobs, one grad school, two guys, several tickets, one accident, and lots of moves. She rarely had a bad day.

In marriage you start with my stuff and his stuff. As the years go by you begin to lose the individuality of his and hers and the stuff becomes plural - our stuff. And while that's 99% well and good there's that 1% of me that feels a sense of loss.

Aimee heard that she was gone and reminded me of the night that I bought her. I was so excited that I drove down to Manhattan Beach to surprise her at work. When she walked out to the parking lot I couldn't contain myself and screamed! 

An epic trip to Ikea with a young Grace "helping". Here she's telling us "I got it." over and over. :)

Our first foray into traveling with an animal. Baby Brady wasn't content there and 10 minutes into the ride had found his way to my lap. 

That weird period of time when my back went out and I traveled lying down in the backseat. Car handled it like a G. :p

Our getaway vehicle at our wedding

Bye Friend!

Here's to new memories, our new memories. 

Monday, November 11, 2013

One Day Young

I have that post I promised you, but I'm not sure my pride will let me post it. While I wrestle with that internally here's something safe and touching - this gal did a series of portraits of mothers with their one day old babies.

What struck me beyond the beauty of the photos is what the photographer said about her house visits:

I was completely surprised at the serenity I found at each house. You imagine mayhem, screaming and crying and drama, yet in reality, you are invited into the calmest space ever. It got me thinking that post birth is so misrepresented in our culture/media and this is unhelpful to women and new families. If you were told about this overwhelming calmness, women would feel reassured they would be able to cope.

My favorites:

Friday, November 8, 2013

Friday Favorites

The little kiddo is figuring out this whole walking thing. Last week he was determined to walk everywhere. I think it took us 5 hours to walk 2 blocks. Oh the things you do for kids... ;)  Here he is as focused as ever and sticking out his belly in a leaning effort to get his parents walking again. As if to say, "Let's go mom and dad. What's the hold up."

/ / My "can't miss a day without checking for a post" blogs  / /




and Joy.


Coming next week - a doozy of a pregnancy confession. Happy weekend!

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Popsicles. California. And 77 degrees in Fall.

It's 77 degrees in Los Angeles today. But us Angelenos know it's fall because the air is dry, there's a crispness in the wind, and a chill early in the morning.

I've been busy working (more on that later) and preparing for our Young Marrieds Small Group tonight. I can't wait! Josh has been really busy too. Yesterday he was up in Ventura observing a patient receiving the implant he works on. This morning he took his second midterm and tomorrow he fly's to our old stomping grounds for work.

But in the meantime, this print is my laptop's background and I'm contemplating buying it for the baby's room. Odd enough,  it's made by a guy who lives in the UK.

Popsicles all year around? I think so. 

Have a wonderful day friends.

Monday, November 4, 2013

A Split Second Epiphany In 6 Days of Euphoria

I don't know who this is, but i know it's not me. 

There was a period of time early on in this pregnancy where I was gloriously happy with my growing body. I would prance around naked telling Josh how amazing pregnancy is and how, strangely, I felt so gosh darn beautiful. (Sometimes I wish Josh would blog about his take on the same story. ha) I thought, there is nothing better for woman!

That euphoria lasted exactly 6 days.

By the 7th day the constipation and bloating set in and the glorious prancing ceased immediately.

For a split second I thought I was going to be one of those pregnant ladies who has an epiphany about carrying a child where they realize this is what they were born to do. All of life's fulfillment coming to fruition. They love every moment of those 9 months, relishing in the transformation and hoping it never ends. But alas, I have found that I am not one of those girls.

Don't get me wrong, I ain't complaining. Josh and I are thankful we could even get pregnant. And we'll probably try and do it again one day. But I don't enjoy the process as much as I desire the outcome. Truth be told, if I could Giuliana Rancic my way out of this I would. :p

And with that TMI, I leave you to your day. :)

Friday, November 1, 2013

Friday Favorites

/ / Web Finds / /

Best carved pumpkins I've ever seen.

How will you spend your extra hour this Sunday?

Only Leah would get this, the rest of us are quite content right where we are, thank you.

Kit Kat + Google = two of Josh's favorite things. Buy one if you see one!

I wish she would come style my house. But if she's too busy, I'd take her assistant too.

Have a great weekend!