Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Our Covid Summer

The kids officially begin school tomorrow. It was a different summer for sure but we still did a lot of stuff we normally do - even if it did look a bit different. 

Science camp!

Playing at the park!



Celebrated the 4th!

Had beach days and water fun!

Attended summer school!

Enjoyed cousin sleepovers and hangouts

Went fishing

Explored our neighborhood

Went camping!

Opened a nonprofit barbershop

Celebrated our 9th year of marriage.

Unsuccessfully attempted to exercise

And spent so much time at home.

Pretty much doing this.

All thing considered, it was a pretty nice summer.

Emerson lost her first two teeth. Landon had his tonsils removed. Abby figured out how to push a high chair to the microwave so she could climb up and push all the buttons. It's been a ride and I am so grateful that my children are little and really weren't hugely impacted by the virus. 

We start the school year with Landon in person and Emerson remote learning. I've got measured expectations and high hopes that we'll be ok. Here's to 2020 teaching us all about flexibility, grace, and seeing that fulfillment can come from nothing except Jesus. 

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