Wednesday, March 22, 2023

"Get up and dress yourself for work!"

We are going through Jeremiah in my bible study and something new has struck me in the first chapter. The book begins with a young Jeremiah being called by God to serve Him. Jeremiah basically responds with an "I can't" and God responds by touching his mouth and reminding Jeremiah who He is and His promise to protect him. Then in 1:17 he commands him: 

"Get up and dress yourself for work! Arise!"

These last few weeks I have seen the fall of one church dear to me and the struggle of another. My heart cries out. But I have not given up hope because I have seen how God always works for our good and His glory. What isn't bringing glory to His Name, He will bring down. Yet He always rebuilds. "He exercises purifying wrath against sin but offers restorative grace to those who seek Him." BSF 

All of this has been a sobering reminder that we are all just one decision away from the same mistakes - how fragile what we have truly is. The importance of staying humble through our daily pursuit of God. Bad decisions, wrong actions, and cutting words first come from an eroded heart. "Search my heart, Lord!" Psalm 139

With all this going on God spoke to me through the first chapter of Jeremiah. You must go and read it for yourself. A young Jeremiah is commanded by God to "Get up and dress yourself for work!" 

I was reminded that:

When God has called us to something, we need to be obedient, feelings aside. Consecrated from before we were formed in the womb, appointed with gifts to serve Him, and called to GET UP. (1:5)

It isn't just "ministry". It isn't a little thing. It isn't just about my little church or the one you are serving in. 

It is obedience to a call. 

May we dress ourselves for the work of the Lord this week. 

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