Thursday, September 26, 2013

Ugh, Eggs!

My brother in law, Blane, thinks things like watering eyes while cutting onions and depression are simply a case of mind over matter.  -_- As you can imagine we banter about it from time to time. I can tell you what else is not a case of mind over matter, pregnancy food aversions.

I haven't been that sick. Praise the Lord! I'm not throwing up or unable to get out of bed. I do get more queasy as the day progresses and by night there's usually some smell or some type of food that I really don't feel comfortable around. 

My current hit list
  • Anything to do with eggs. Lord, have mercy!
  • Anything that leaves a strong taste in my mouth or has a strong smell
  • Chipotle 
  • Italian food
  • Saucy foods
My Mil gave me a great tip early on that has helped tremendously. Don't let yourself get hungry. Eat at regular intervals. In the beginning I couldn't get a handle on the queeze but since she told me that I haven't felt that bad. Those little words of wisdom are game changers!

I know I have it good. There's one gal in our church who threw up everyday and could only eat at 3pm. :/ Can you imagine? Oh wait, maybe you have. Reply/text/email me your pregnancy cravings and aversions. I'm dying of curiosity. 

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